View Full Version : health anxiety

12-11-09, 17:03
Does it make you more or less anxious to look through these sort of sites----I would think more anxious.Only helpful if you can find someone with very similar symptoms ie in my case male 65 2 years of anxiety worry too much re getting ill lot of physical discomfort tired ness loss of interest in things despair live alone just retired know should do more but no inclination better when socialise exercise etc.So if you are likewise and similar age do get in touch.Use Mirtazapene helps me sleep and appetite ok tho lost 1 stone look terrible.

12-11-09, 17:08
Hi fred

Im 46 had health anxiety most of this year (better now) but this site really helped me

Best wishes

13-11-09, 13:04
Almost identical to you....but having a good couple of months and not tooo stressed as I type. I am widowed and live alone. I have uffered from health and social anxiety since my early twenties. I will tell you this, if there had been a site like this when I was younger it would have alleviated so much pain and distress and the feeling of isolation one experiences. Can only speak as you find and I have found this site has changed many aspects of my life for the better.

13-11-09, 14:09
:hugs:when we were working, had families around us, chatted to neighbours. we did not notice too many problems - or you mentioned it to your mates - who probably shared your worries and once discussed went away. (or were not so troubling)
Now we are older (although i have my hubby) there is not the same group of friends / neighbours / aquaintences that we once had.:blush:
I suffer major panic attacks and worry about every ache and pain (it might be serious!!!!!)
This site has helped because there are many likeminded people with similar probs and will give help and support where they can.
Best wishes

13-11-09, 14:33
Hello fred,

You will find many people here with similiar problems - even if your symptoms are not the same - the psychological thinking which distorts rationality is much the same in many cases, so I think we can all empathise with each other, and that in itself can be very comforting. I have suffered from health anxiety for nearly thirty years, and before discovering this site I had no idea there were other people who suffered to the degree I have over the years. Fortunately, I am now getting much stronger; this forum has helped me greatly simply because I can relate to how others feel and because of that I feel less isolated. It is a horrible 'illness' of the mind, but there is hope and people do learn how to cope with it. I think you will find this forum enormously helpful, and you will find there are many people who are able to reach out to you and give you tremendous support. :hugs: