View Full Version : Aches, Pains,Everywhere,

10-11-05, 18:22
HI There,

I have been having lots of Stress and Tensions lately, there
has been many probems.

I do have GAD most of the time, however, just lately,

I have been getting trrrible Aches , Pains in the
Back, Neck, Shoulders, I'm not doing heavy work.

The simple things leaves me Aching everywhere and very painful.
This can last for 3 weeks sometimes

I put cream and heat pads on, and my Husband tries to massage where
it hurts, it does seem to help the situation.

However, I do worry regards these Symptoms, was wondering
if any one on here, gets these Muscle Pains. and what
do you do to help the situation.

Look very forward to your Replys.



10-11-05, 18:42
Yes I definately have patches of this Penny.

I have found yoga to be very helpful though at releasing the tension I seem to accumulate.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-11-05, 13:46
yeah pain, in my neck,i get that for days and days, feels like it doesnt stop, even like a buzzing/throbbing in my throat/neck. It went for a while, but i stopped meditating and now its back, not liking it at all. Sometimes its really frightening, im taking loadsa hot baths and relaxing but still the next day,im back in pain. its slowing down a little, but not a lot, but i think it will soon.
Take care x x x

15-11-05, 14:06
hi penny...i too have your symtoms. ive had enormous levels of stress and anxiety since losing my mum 2.5 yrs ago and since then ive had non stop aches pains and troubles.
for the past 3-4 weeks my neck feels as tho ive been in a car accident and got bad whiplash....i think what it is is all the stress and anxiety has this time gone into my neck and shoulders. im forever getting pinched nerves in my neck and shoulder areas too which give me hell!
yesterday i went for the first time to see and osteopath who says the back of my neck is really swollen inside...she thinks its its muscular and has told me to stop all gym work.
the truth is im sick of this now...i wish it would stop and my neck would become stress and ache free....but i also know that until i stop worrying about it its just gonna stay put for now....vicous circle....
god dam aniety and stress....!!!
your not alone penny...:)

15-11-05, 14:59
rusky, youve just explained my neck proble to a T! my nerves are always 'twinching' sorta feeling. but u saying 'pinched nerves' really explains it. It is soo annoying, i know sounds awful, but im so relieved im not the only one with this problem/symptom. I never called it a symptom b4 because it doesnt happen when im anxious,m it happens like all the time! My chin downwards tingles and feels lil stiff at times. when im anxious its worse, if i ignore it its slows down. Looks like ill have to get back into relaxation and meditation. (its tingling now!)
Thanks and take care
Becci x x x

15-11-05, 15:24
hi wannabeloved :)
your right...it does sound kind'a bad but also it comforts me too knowing you, me and others feel like this. it worries me having all these symptoms all the time...just when i thought i was on the road to recovery after losing my mum and 2 yrs along the line ive now developed (AGAIN!) all these stress and anxiety symptoms....mainly this god dam stiff neck. i had my back "snapped" y'day at the osteopaths....that was an experience! lol
hopefully our necks will ease right!!?!?

15-11-05, 15:29
hopefully! lol wouldnt want ma neck snapped, sounds...painful!
Butbeing housebound,its difficult get a dr out etc. but usually after relaxation and meditation, it goes.
becci x x x

15-11-05, 15:31
it wasnt so painful...it was like cracking your knuckles...but worse! lol...its not something i enjoyed...and i felt like c**p after too!
yeah...i hope so...makes me feel rough this sore neck!:(

15-11-05, 15:37
yeah, i feel the roughness! its painfull, but more annyoing and frustrating cos it stops ya from doing normal things. i feel another hot bath coming up lol talking bout it also makes it worse, cos im 'aware' of it now, so im searching for it, sorta checking its still there! when really i dont wanna check if its still there! i want it gone!
Becci x x x

15-11-05, 15:59
Strategies for coping (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2680)
Some of my symptoms and explinations. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4495)
very strange panic attack symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5071)
Actute Anxiety,given ZISPIN ???? HELP (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6054)

tense muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3766)
Are these heart symptoms? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4805)
Achy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5488)
Fuzzy head, back pains, confusion, dreamy, fatigue (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5835)

Everything aches - what can I do (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1575)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

18-11-05, 18:22
Hi penny,
Thought id just let you know that ive been doing some relaxations along with 2 hot baths a day (morning and night) and a massage and now my pains and aches and slowly going. Thought i'd tell you so you'd know that it does help!
Becci x x x

18-11-05, 18:53
Good to hear that Becci.

You are doing well on all fronts

20-11-05, 13:40
i take back what i said bout doing better lol I was in so much pain yesterday i had to call the nhs helpline. Was dagnosed with bad posture and/or poor sleep pattern. Was surprised actually i thought itd be worse.
Ive beemn told to get the dr out and take paracetamol and 3 hours later ibroprofen then 3 hours later paracetamol then again 3 hours later the iboroprofen. But not to exceed the stated dose! lol i thought id be exceeding it anyway by taking every 3 hours?! thought it was sposed to be every 4?!
But if it still hasnt gone in a week or so, to call back. Not liking that idea...what if i have to go for tests etc? thats gonna be hell. Oh well...hopefully it should go. But she still didnt tell me why the front of my neck/throat sorta throbs/buzzes/tingles. keep thinking iots cancer! lol nevermind hey?!! lol
Anyways just thought id let it all out!
Take care
Becci x x x

21-11-05, 22:50
ok i seem to be getting a lil better now, not many ppl looking at this, but im writing it for my own record,hope thats okay? Not had much suport through this so im looking back on my own support to self! lol and i just wanna be able to look back at this and remind myself that im ok! (becci your ok!) aches and pains lol who needs em! but they dont last forever...makes you wonder why you fuss about them in the first place!
Becci x x x

Ma Larkin
25-11-05, 15:37
Hi Becci, when we get anxious and panicky we all suffer from tension. I don't know a single person who hasn't had the aching neck. My first brush with it was my mum. I was really worried about her, the GP said it was spondilitis, but it turned out just to be tension through stress. She was going through a really bad patch at the time, and as soon as the stress disappeared so did the aching neck. Our body works in weird and wonderful ways to cope with depression, tension, anxiety and panic. I don't see my symptoms as a threat any more, I tackle them head on and think "here we go again", just ride through it, and within no time, i'm OK again. Does that make sense at all?


polly a
25-11-05, 16:25
hi all,i have had bad pains in my shoulder and neck for three weeks on and off this morning i thought it probabally is stress but i cant take it any more went to health centre and they x rayed itand said i had had some trauma to my clavical wich is badly swolen hence neck and arm pain,put me on meds and i may have to have phisio,i cant decifer stress from real things anymore i was gonna leave it,but hopefully this will sort it,

p appleyard

25-11-05, 18:24
Hi Becci,

Just sendin you a hug hun and hoping you feel better soon - did you ever try the yoga to help with the muscle tension??

Maybe see you in chat sometime:)

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

26-11-05, 15:12
The neck pains hmm.... figured out the causes lol and now it seems to be going! I cant nelieve i allowed myself to get all wored up over it! oh well lol What ive been doing is spending lotsa time online and whil on my laptop leaning over and resting my chin in my hands, hence the neck pain and proberbly the tingling thing i get when my hands not there! think my hand got quite attatched to my chin lol. But now im stopping myself from resting my hand on my chin, so it going now! hopefully the spots that have taken residance on my chin from sweaty hands will go too lol (sorry sounds grooss!)
Take care and 'chin up'
Becci x x x

27-11-05, 16:02
Well done for figuring this out Becci.
