View Full Version : jawbone beneath teeth is asymmetric

12-11-09, 17:47
Ok this is a weird one, but it's my current worry of the moment.

Right beneath my first molars on either side of my jawbone on the inside there are little bone protrusions - my worry is that I've suddenly noticed that the bone protrusion on the left side is MUCH bigger than the one on the right. It's a visible difference I can see when I look in the mirror and feel with my tongue.

I kinda think that it's always been like this and I'm just now noticing it b/c I'm looking for something to worry about, but I'm just curious if anyone else has this kind of asymmetry in their mouth.

I'm really battling the temptation to google this but I know I'll just end up convinced it's cancer of some sort, so I'm hoping you all can help put my mind at ease.


12-11-09, 18:12

I'd imagine this is common in the mouth as there are lots of people with orthodontic problems. I think it's when we're anxious about our health that we examine every nook and crannie!!

12-11-09, 18:26
Yeah, I know deep down it's fine. My friend says it's just the roots of my teeth. I guess if there was any pain I'd be more worried. It's funny how we can grab on to any little think to freak out about!