View Full Version : Time to see the Doc?

12-11-09, 18:05
Hi all,

I have joined today and was looking for some advice. My anxiety attacks started about 7 years ago. At that point i didn't understand what my problem was. The doctor referred me to a psychologist who i only saw once, she was helpful and confirmed what i had kind of worked out for myself, that i was anxious about being anxious and the symptons wouldn't kill me. As i accepted this and felt better for knowing, bit by bit my anxiety and symptons vanished almost completely.

However, since February things haven't gone as well and i have had occassional anxiety atacks (particularly on buses which led to me getting off them).

A few weeks ago i had a pretty bad attack (set off by being wheezy - just a chest bug). Since this, my symptons have changed (much more to do with the head, pressure, headaches at the back, slight dizziness etc) and my anxiety seems to have changed from attacks to a more daily general feeling of anxiety.

I am thinking about how i am feeling all the time, waiting for an anxiety attack to come. When it happens, i am thinking all the correct things such as knowing it will pass, knowing that the symptons will not hurt me but despite this my body is still reacting in a way i don't want it to.

I'm not sure i have ever really dealt with this since it started but as it was on and off it was manageable. For the last few weeks however its on my mind all the time which sets it off. My question is, is it time to go back to the doctors and look at getting medication? I have avoided this as i hoped i could deal with this by telling myself the right things but it just doesn't seem to be working this time.

One last thing, this site has helped me loads. Great advice and knowing that you're not alone in this is a big positive.

12-11-09, 18:18
You do sound to be having a terrible time.
I can't help but admire for how long you have tried to cope with this yourself but maybe it is now time to get help from your doctor.
Even if you just go, have a good talk and find out what options you do have.

12-11-09, 18:21
I agree. You've done so well coping up until now. You're doing all the right things but I believe sometime we need a wee crutch to help us through. Have a talk with your doctor. If you go on meds it doesn't have to be forever.
Take care

12-11-09, 18:33
hello mr 77 yes i think you would be right going to docters again .as your anxiety seem s to be getting high ,, its awfull isnt it ,,we feel ill but its all nerves your not alone ,,xx

13-11-09, 18:10
Thanks for your answers. So i went to see the doctor and she has prescribed me Citalopram. I felt anxious going there and also had an attack when sat in the waiting room. I felt like i kind of told the doctor what she should be giving me (a family memeber is also on citalopram) which i found a bit disappointing. Also, the dose is 20mg which suprised me as i though it would be 10mg to start. I only realised this when i picked up the prescription. I'm trying hard not to read about the side effects and I'm still in two minds about starting on these and am thinking about giving it another week to see if i can manage without. What do you think?

13-11-09, 18:22
if the dpcter thinks they will help take them ,but i cant comment as only took 4 days didnt agree, but most on here who take them find there good ,you can go to forum there you can talk to those who take them all the best

margaret jones
13-11-09, 18:36
Mr 77

Re meds or not ? I do not take meds for my anxiety but that is me scared of side effects why ?? . I think lots of people have no side effects and that meds help them a lot so really it is up to you hope you are soon feeling better

Take care Margaret

13-11-09, 20:15
I battled anxiety and panic attacks for the last 7 years too, and like you a couple of months ago I just couldn't cope with this running my life. I never wanted to take pills and I resisted for so many years and felt very disappointed in myself when i finally gave in and went to see my GP.

I was put on Citalopram 20mg 9 weeks ago. The side effects were bad for the first few days, but everyone is different and some people don't have so many side effects, so you will not know until you try.

All I would say is you decided to go to your GP for some help so take it. I was so scared at first, but am getting there slowly.. Maybe worth asking your GP to put you on waiting list for CBT.

Take care :)

14-11-09, 13:55
I am in the same position as you. Had my first attack about 8 years ago and my life crashed.I had a long stretch where I had nothing over 6 years then had another attack just before christmas last year, then one every few months since and now spend most of my time either nursing a panic attack and as soon as Ive got out of the darkness start to worry about the next one. I finally went to see the doctor and just got web site details etc. I went on holiday recently and wanted to propose to my partner. I felt sure i would have a panic attack as life changing emotional situations tend to help trigger them.So I went back to the doctor and told him I was worried I would stuff up my holiday and proposal so came to see him. He ascertained I wasn't dying of panic and suggested further help with a help line to ring and a blood test to check I dont have an over active thyroid ( I have read the symptoms for this and dont think i have) and then through more web advice I found this site.
Anyway when I get an attack I have a glass of wine and this kerbs it every time.To my surprise the doctor said this is fine if its not escalating out of control which it doesn't. i sit here and work from home and will happily have a glass of wine at 10.00am if panic strikes and its sends me in another direction and dont get panic for the rest of the day, I know it sounds irresponsible suggesting wine when you are in trouble but it works for me.
I hate the feeling I am permanently infested with this problem but spend my time trying to fight it, I had an attack after having a sauna once and told myself its the sauna that does it. What I was really doing was trying to tell myself that caused it and if I dont go there it wont happen. I looked into panic and saunas on the net and seeing pictures of saunas on the net made me feel unsteady. I realized a phobia was starting and had none of it. I went down the next day and boiled myself like an egg in the sauna to find everything was fine, this is what this is about for me, trying to fight and even bring on my panic to point it cant panic me. In your position I would go on a long bus ride at a time when your feeling brave and see if you can beat it! If you can like me and the sauna you will start to look at panic in a way that its about unlocking certain aspects that you can train yourself to control in the same way your brain can home in on a bus journey as a problem you can maybe teach it otherwise. Despite all this I still get attacks and it still surprises me how much intense and easily they can come even though I spend ages logically working on the problem. Here is my advice on things you can try.

Start to think about not fighting the whole idea of panic attacks and concentrate on just managing then for now and surround them with positive things and tools to control them so life can "sort of" go on.

1. Find a reverse phobia... I drink fizzy carbonated water and it calms me a bit in panic, something to do with carbon bubbles or whatever but its turned my brain into thinking fizzy in my hand and its time to relax. I also go running my panic is kerbed a little bit when I run, my panic starts relaxing a bit just as Im putting on my trainers as my brain thinks things might be ok.

2. Try and sing a song when your in the middle of your panic, youd be surprised that your capable of singing while at your most darkest point, its helpful to know you can do these things even when you think your out of control.
3. reward yourself for going through the mill with panic, when you calm down from an attack take yourself out for a pizza or something thats a treat so you know every time you have an attack something nice will follow which you can enjoy.

I dont know what to say about the doctor, I kind of think there isn't much he can really do, I have considered medication but my hits of red wine are my medication and I prefer to just do that when things are bad and not take something every day whether Im anxious or not.
Do you fancy trying to go on a bus? dont forget if you try it to post back what happened.

I still feel like death when panic hits me, its so dark and scary when you get there but for now with some hard work I can go to peoples birthdays, go for days out, enjoy christmas even while in panic and thats still a good life, I will carry on searching and trying to find a way to not get panic but for now like I said think of managing it of buffering it for now and accept it happens and see if you can improve your situation a little bit as a start.

Let me know what happens