View Full Version : Hello everbody peeps

12-11-09, 18:52
HI all.... Im Jo, a 27yr old working mum to a very energetic 6yr old daughter! Just a quick hello to everyone and to say that im sooooo pleased to have found a site like this!!!

12-11-09, 18:55
Hi jojo81182

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-11-09, 19:04
Thanks Diane,

Im looking forward to chatting with people who know exactly how I feel... I think anxiety is something beyond comprehension unless you have experienced it first hand! xx

12-11-09, 19:12
Hi Jojo and :welcome:

Glad you found the site, im sure you will find it very helpful, there is a lot of nice people here, until we speak again.

Take care

P x