View Full Version : dating with anxiety

12-11-09, 20:11
how is it there are so many people here with some form of social anxiety who have partners/are married? How do you all manage to get that far? i still dont even have friends, how do you guys get to date?

12-11-09, 20:31
Hi Magnesium.
I think some people will have found partners before they suffered from social anxiety and others will of met their partners during good times.
I think if you feel you are ready to start meeting people maybe a help group with people in the same position as yourself may be a good place to start.
There are so many people out there with social anxiety who are suffering on their own which is very sad as they could be helping each other.

sarah jayne
12-11-09, 21:05
I met my husband before my anxiety started x

12-11-09, 22:36
i met my partner during 6 years of being pretty much anxiety free (after taking propranolol)

13-11-09, 21:36
i cant help but wonder if someone with anxiety should look to date another person with anxiety. On the one hand there would be a certain understanding but on the other there wouldnt be the outgoing, testing influence that a non anxious person could provide.

kind of like the frightened leading the scared (makes me think of something out of scooby doo)