View Full Version : Re: Tension and tightness in throat and chest

12-11-09, 21:06
Hi guys,

I'm not sure how to describe this but I feel a tightness and a tension in my throat and chest.

I find myself involuntarily holding my breath, sighing, and sometimes gulping air and on occasion holding in my (flat) stomach.

This all affects my breathing and gives me globus.

My question is how can I break this cycle of overconcentrating on my breathing and on my chest and throat. Is there an exercise, relaxation tipor something to target this area?

Thank you

S x

12-11-09, 21:44
i dont have any advice im afraid but i can totally relate.... ive found that because there is such a big thing about making sure you breath properly, deep breathing, relaxing etc etc that you make yourself really aware of it and then in turn overconcentrate on it!!! Overconcentrating is a major down of the anxiety sufferer i reckon!! xx

12-11-09, 21:55
i havent got a definite answer for you either, would make my life a lot easier if i did. overthinking the breathing is a huge problem for me too, im finding doing the exercises a little just so i know my breathing is at the 'relaxed' rate for a minute then try distracting my mind with anything going on or chatting to someone,anything to stop me thinking about it really

12-11-09, 21:59
thanks guys.

i totally respect claire weeks and her message but can't seem to switch off the overthinking part of my brain

Sammy J
12-11-09, 23:05
This is me too, I hate it. I sometimes feel like I'm being strangled and also find myself holding my breath when I'm actually trying to relax :(

08-12-09, 21:26
can't escape this i'm going through hell

08-12-09, 21:48
Yes, I swallow so much during periods of anxiety that I actually struggle to breathe or end up breathing rapidly with palpitations and a sure throat. It's a vicious circle.

I've forced myself to breathe slowly although it was SO hard to do on the bus cos I thought everytime I breathed in I'd choke but fortunately I didn't, now it's day 2 of slow breathing and it's helping me get control of the rising panic.

I also find I snort almost all the time under stress, I'm not sure why, I think it's to check there's nothing at the back of my throat that would cause choking.

Set a time during the day or evening to breathe just for practice, how many counts you'll do it for, how you'll think or not think and then continue your evening routine, the next day when the panic rises, summon up the technique, trust yourself and think positively and it will get easier. good luck X

14-12-09, 16:46
I can't get on top of this breathing issue, it's wearing me down.

07-01-10, 21:33
I have this sensation back.

It's as though my lungs and chest are tight with tension and the resulting hyerventilation is giving me palpitations.