View Full Version : cigarettes

12-11-09, 21:24

Just wondered if anyone else feels that smoking cigarettes brings on an attack?

Sammy J
12-11-09, 22:58
I'm the opposite Jojo, have quit this week which perhaps wasn't the greatest of ideas as my panics started filtering back last week after a break of about 4 months. After having loads to do and being mega stressed over the weekend I decided to quit Monday and I do feel worse. Am having many symptoms of anxiety throughout the day and night and I know if I had a cigerette and a nice glass of G&T (have also not had a drink) I would feel better... very annoying.
Am determined to keep at it though, fingers crossed I'll succeed as I've smoked for 20 years!

Sam :)

12-11-09, 23:07
Hiya Sam... Well done for keeping off the fags!! Ive really reduced my intake due to the fact that I feel it sometimes set off an attack - I think this is psychological rather than anything else - you know how that 1st cigarette of the day can sometimes give you that 'heady' feeling - well that feeling is the same one I get when i can feel an attack coming on! How long have you suffered from anxiety? I am fairly new to this game, only been suffering daily for the last 3/4 wks but even that is long enough!

Sammy J
12-11-09, 23:17
I'm like that with alcohol, I love a drink but when I start getting abit lightheaded it can bring on an attack.
I first had panic attacks over 10 years ago and they lasted for about a year, then I started again last August. I've had a course of CBT which stopped the attacks but am still riddled with anxiety and health anxiety. I'm always convinced I'm about to have a heart attack as since last year (the same time as the panics started) I developed chest pain etc. Ended up in A&E 4 times, had numerous ECG's, chest x-rays and blood tests and my doctor even referred me to a cardiologist to put my mind at rest so had many other tests done. And all was fine.
I've been diagnosed with acid reflux but still the thoughts linger in the back of my mind. Sometimes I get in ridiculous states and other days I'm fine and dandy.
I'm sure you'll cope very well with all this, I didn't know about this place when the panics were at their worst or I would've handled things alot better.

Sam :)

12-11-09, 23:27
yeah, im with you on the loving a drink bit but to be honest, my aunt has suffered with anxiety and attacks and says that she is always worse after a drink so I have decided not to drink at the moment. I completely understand what you're saying about the health anxiety, I feel the same since I was in hospital in June and genuinely thought my time was up... think that is what has brought all this on. I think that knowing that your heart is fine and that chest pains are well asssociated with anxiety is a good thing, Are you on any medication? I'm a week into prozac and hoping that the medication combined with pyschotherapy (which I have luckily been able to access through my work) is going to be the way forward, I couldnt imagine suffering for the amount of time you have! It must be awful xx

13-11-09, 00:54
yeah i felt an attack coming on every time i took a drag, so much so it forced me into quitting, not entirely a bad thing but still... can only smoke when im drunk now.

Sammy J
13-11-09, 21:17
Jojo, I only take medication for reflux, was perscribed Amitriptylene 10mg to help with both stomach spams and anxiety but was too scared to take it! To be honest mine is like 'what came first.. the chicken or the egg'.. both my anxiety and reflux/stomach pain started at the same time and one is feeding the other. Am convinced if I get no pain I can recover succesfully, as soon as I get a twinge my anxiety kicks in.. grrrrr.
You sound like you're going to be on top of it pretty soon, with both medication and pyschotherapy, fingers crossed for you.
It's so annoying how illness can bring all this crap on!