View Full Version : raised lymph nodes

12-11-09, 23:19
Sorry to go on about these nodes , I found one on my lower neck (right) on sunday , just found one on my left side. I went to the docs on monday who wants me to go for bloods done in four weeks , She did say that my blood was ok seven weeks ago (I assume she requested fbc) Had on done 6 days later in hostpital , yet again I assume fbc was done and they were clear ... Is it common to have a raised node followed by one a few days later on the opposite side , I have had no symptoms of infection etc , except i had a bad chest and cold 6weeks ago which has left me with post nasal drip and a slight cough to clear my throat ... any one had similar symptoms , or does anxiety bring out the nodes



13-11-09, 03:33
I am no doctor but I have read several posts on this site where people have raised nodes and it turns out to be nothing serious. I am glad you have an upcoming appt. I am sure it will be fine. Good luck and keep us posted. We are here for you.

13-11-09, 12:32
Thanks... I have been suffering with ha , since i had my first panic attack a few months ago and the slightest thing worries me sick ... im sure its nothing , they aint grown any bigger and feel gristly and moveable

