View Full Version : hi

12-11-09, 23:48
hi Im Jayye, 37 female married with 2 children. Suffer with claustrophobia and anxiety. Havent been able to travel on planes, trains, lifts or go anywhere that doesnt have an immediate exit / escape route for about 7 years. Dont feel that I'll ever change how i feel about planes or lifts, but desperately hoping that there's a way for me to get on a train again. Just because it would make life easier, and my children can enjoy train travel and go on trips with me.

Not sure if it will be possible, but I havent even wanted to do it for the last 7 years, so this must be a start all be it a small one.

12-11-09, 23:52
Hi jayye

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-11-09, 08:28
Hi Jayye, I just wanted to say hi to you. I also really struggle with claustraphobia, I try hard not to let it interfere with every day life but its hard, I never do lifts.....hate flying but have done it a few times when I have had to, years ago I was fine with trains but have started struggling with them as well....Its a nightmare :-( x x

13-11-09, 09:06
can you go shopping

13-11-09, 21:20
Thanks for the replies :). Gypsywomen - yes I can go shopping, but when I was at my worst I had to be aware at all times of where the exits were. Now I can go in my local shopping centre without thinking about it, but in a new or different centre I will be anxious again. Do you have a similar problem?

14-11-09, 23:55
Hi, you just made me think about the last time I went shopping to the Metro in Newcastle, it was a nightmare and yep I was glad my hubby is a smoker as he always knew where there was an exit to escape for a cig so that helped me as the only wasy I could cope was knowing where they were so I would pop out and get some air........I do hate big shopping centres.........aagghhh x x

15-11-09, 23:06
Hi Jayye,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you feel and will give their support.

Take care,
