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13-11-09, 04:24
I'm nowhere near as old as these....but I feel it already and these words pretty well sum up how I feel. No time. Nowhere to go...and I can't even go anywhere to make me feel alive anyway.:hugs:


13-11-09, 05:07
That song and the images are very sad, Bill. But you know the saying "it's not over 'til the fat lady sings". She's not even started her warm up yet. :winks:

13-11-09, 05:54
Now Maddie:unsure:...I hope you're not implying anything about your fine delicate female figure!:winks::D Sorry:blush:

A fat lady warming up:huh:.....mmm:blush:....I'll wait:blush:! Just hope when she sings her sweet song I'm not too old to enjoy it!:shrug:

Desprate Dan
13-11-09, 06:34
I'm nowhere near as old as these....but I feel it already and these words pretty well sum up how I feel. No time. Nowhere to go...and I can't even go anywhere to make me feel alive anyway

Same here Bill, i listened to the song and thought i might aswell be in there situation, but at least they have loved "Better to have loved and lost to never have been loved at all)....
These shackles hold me back, i need to get them off and run free "BUT WERE DO I RUN".....:huh:


13-11-09, 09:49
Bill behave! :blush:

There's another saying too that goes for you and Dan - "there's life in the old dog yet" (OK,OK and not-so-old dogs too before you both lynch me!)

If any of us knew what was going to happen in the future, we'd not live today as if it mattered. There is always hope that something will change to make our lives brighter.

"These shackles hold me back, i need to get them off and run free "BUT WERE DO I RUN"....."
Oh Dan, if only I knew the answer to that one. I am desperate to move away from where I live, surrounded by bad memories, and go nearer to my daughter and grandson. But they will be moving next year and don't know where as yet; and now my parents need me. I know I couldn't cope with the guilt of leaving them even if I could sell the house. I know it would be easier away from visual reminders, but my memories will never leave me. I can't run away from myself.

One more saying that I really do believe "Love comes knocking when you stop looking". There's someone out there somewhere for you Dan. :hugs: