View Full Version : Dont know how 2 overcome HA

anx mum
13-11-09, 13:35
Im 30 years old now since 17 ive been suffering with health anxiety panic attacks on and off. Dont know what triggers them can be ok and it just comes out of blue. Just dont know the answer 2 this anymore dont understand it and starting 2 think will i ever b free of this. When Its my HA i get all the physical symptoms its so scary honestly think something is wrong. Really dont feel docs understand this. Feel v alone with this thankgod for this site my partner is great but dont think he fully understands miss my mum so much she died 3 years ago suddendly she understood i feel i have lost my best friend:weep:

14-11-09, 13:16
Hello anx mum,

Health anxiety is difficult to understand, and it makes us feel very alone at times. There is no easy answer to over coming it, I think it is more a question of learning to cope with it, and accepting our vulnerability in certain situations. Sometimes it is impossible to know what triggers it, which makes it all the more distressing when these feelings hit us out of the blue.

I do think in time, with help (I am not sure if you have had any cbt) you will find a way of managing your thought process. This site is wonderful isn't it, because you know there are many other people who can relate to the way you are feeling, and we manage to support each other. We manage to find rationality when supporting others, because we can take a step back from it and see how this awful health anxiety plays tricks on the mind. This is encouraging, because I do feel in time we will be able to gain valuable insight, and apply the same rationality to our own suffering. I have suffered for many years, but have found this site very therapeutic.

My heart goes out to everyone who suffers from this.

Please do pm me any time, and I will be happy to offer support or help in any way I can.:hugs: