View Full Version : Feeling sick..

13-11-09, 14:35
Hello all.

I know this has probably be covered a lot, but it's bothering me at the moment.

For the last week, i've been feeling sick, on and off, but always there. Just feels like a light sickness feeling in my throat.

Went to the hospital about it yesterday, and I talked over all my health concerns, and he said that I should just try to distract myself, and forget about my health, and the symptoms will go away, as there is nothing physically wrong with me (we've all heard that i'm sure!)

But, I don't know whether it's my Citalopram making me feel sick (been on them just under a month), my anxiety, or something else.

Anyone else get this? I have had a lot of stress / anxiety lately, and not been eating that well, so that could be it, but always playing on my mind as I'm really aware of it.


14-11-09, 13:47
It could still be the Citalopram, I was on them for 10 weeks but came off them as I was still feeling incredibly sick. It could also be the anxiety, I have been feeling sick everyday for over 2 1/2 years now and it's awful especially as I have a fear of being sick. My Dr says it's a common symptom of anxiety and not one that will really go away unless the anxiety is under control. All she could do for me was give me metoclopramide which is an anti nausea tablet, have been on them for almost 2 years now and they do help a lot.

A natural remedy you could try is ginger biscuits before you get out of bed in the morning then throughout the day sips of ginger beer or eatihng crystalised ginger, also B6 tablets help a lot of people. Also sea sickness bands which press on the pressure points on the wrist and can take nausea away while wearing them, you can get them in poundland

14-11-09, 13:56
Thanks Cat, that's good to know.

I'm going to leave it another week, and if i'm still having problems, will go back to the Doctor, as it might be the Citalopram causing these problems.


14-11-09, 14:01
Your welcome Chris, what dose are you on of Citalopram? I was on 20mg a day. Have you been taking them at night? The side effects aren't supposed to be as bad if you take them about an hour before bed with a milky drink (just something to line the stomach), never take them on an empty stomach as you will feel awful

14-11-09, 14:32
one of my major symptoms of anxiety was nausia feeling I had it 24/7 for months, I was prescribed citalipram and I continued to feel sick for about another 2 or three months then it just gradually went away. nausia seems to be a common side effect with this drug, but then its a common side effect of anxiety too, so it could be a bit of both, but Im sure if you stick to the meds the sickness will wear off. its an awful feeling I know but just hang in there.

14-11-09, 15:18
hey guys.

I tend to have it when I get up (which can be in the morning) or lunchtime ish, if i've been out gigging the night before.

So, I do usually have it on an empty stomach, the nausea tends to come and go, and it's not so bad that I think i'm going to be sick, just a weird annoying feeling in my throat.

Occasionally get light headed too, but that has got better.

At the hospital they said, a mixture of the tablets, anxiety and not eating properly are probably making it worse, so to just try and ride it out.

I'll see my Dr in a couple of weeks I guess if it doesn't improve.

Anyone else on Citalopram get this? Good to know I'm not the only one!

Thanks guys