View Full Version : Drugged, brain shutting down

10-11-05, 21:39

I've dealt with most of the feelings anxiety can give you.

But recently,i've been getting a feeling like my brain is switching off. I get severe derealisation but not the sort where everthing just seems distant but where I feel physically ill and as though my body is shutting down

Got to my friend's tonight and suddenly couldn't see properly and felt really really spacey as though I was confused and didn't know who I was or where I was. Carried on a converation but it only lifted slightly after an hour and half and even a couple of glasses of wine made no improvement. Now I feel like left side of head has shut down and needs a good crack on it. I got a hot rush in head at one stage and have been having shooting pains all day. I know what adrenalin does to you but it doesn't feel like that and yet again, I couldn't breathe through it, it didn't work and nothing helped it.

Anyone else had similar.


10-11-05, 21:53

I had weird feelings like this for many years. I could feel fine and then suddenly feel all weird and not right.

It is so hard to try and believe that it could possibly be anxiety and it still takes me by surprise sometimes and I think "I am not anxious so why do I feel like this".

I hope you feel better soon mate


11-11-05, 08:40
i get a lot of shooting pain and funny tingling in my head. also my vision is very blurred atm but this is due to my eyes not anything serious,

so these are anxiety symptoms but if your really worried go and pester your doctor. i found i had to keep going until i had eliminated everything and now i dont feel i need to. it's better to feel a bit embarrassed than spending a few weeks of your life worrying about it

i hope you feel better soon
all the best
love Rachel

Sue K with 5
12-11-05, 20:14

This is very classic of anxiety and I think you will find most of us on here have had similar experiences, it normally causes other to feel panicky or have full blown attacks !

There are some great articles on the forum that describe similar feelings and some great advise on how to dal with them

Hope you start to feel better soon

Sue with 5
