View Full Version : Somedays ...

13-11-09, 18:17
I have suffered from anxiety problems for years now and not knowing anyone with the same problems as me would like some insight as to if my feelings are "normal" I have constant fears of death/after life/end of the world/medical anxiety I always think there's something wrong with my physically I.e. my head hurts must have a tumor or my arm hurts probably a heart attack or the worlds going to end and I'm going to hell, I contemplate all the ways I could die doing anything I do ... It makes me feel crazy ! There's part of me that knows I'm just being paranoid but it in no way helps the other part that is freaking out.. almost 24/7 these thoughts run though my head... Dose anyone have similar anxiety problems ? Are my racing thoughts a typical symptom of generalized anxiety disorder ? Starting on prozac but have not been on it long enough for there to be significant changes yet. Any advice on curbing these thoughts would be helpful also. Thank you

13-11-09, 18:34

You are NOT crazy
racing thoughts are typical anxiety... i am on prozac and after it started working (few weeks) they did calm down

So dont worry x

13-11-09, 19:08
Hi Ashley

I have exactly the same type of fears, meaning of life, death, karmic retribution, are we alone in universe etc etc. That 2012 film is really freaking me out at the moment. It sounds more like GAD to me, but GAD can have PA's as well. GAD, Panics and depression are all interlinked and each rarely exist in isolation. Indeed some experts think they should be combined into one overall syndrome. Anyway, I've taken meds (Seroxat, Lexapro) in the past I find them very good at quelling these fears and returning them to mere philisophical thoughts. Give the meds a go, i'm pretty sure you'll find them useful. I've just started Serox again myself.