View Full Version : My Introduction

13-11-09, 19:47
I had my first panic attack when I was fifteen, although I remember having feelings which I now recognise as the onset of an attack before this time. I am now 43 and haven't yet managed to rid myself of this beast. In the intervening years I have also had periods of OCD but with help through CBT do manage to control this. The panic attacks have never left though although I do have good times and bad. I am having a particularly bad time though at present which is why I have turned to this site in the hopes that I might not feel so alone. For the last six years my panic attacks have centred around swallowing whereas previously it was breathing. I am so frightened at the minute - every time I eat I think that I am going to choke and die. I am quite a strong person and have a very good job, so only my close family and one or two extremely close friends know the extent and duration of my problem but I just feel on the edge of a precipice at the moment. If I go over this time, I don't think I have the strength to get myself back again, I am so tired of all this.

13-11-09, 19:53
Hi Helja

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-11-09, 21:36
your not alone i too have a phoabia of swallowing mine is wasps and bees in food or drink though , i have had swelling of throat since i was 15 i had my tonsils out but still get swollen throat so this causes more anxiety i just try to forget as much as i can try keep occupied but mostly as soon as i feel like it`s all coming down on me i dive into bed and hopefully i awake with no symptoms for a couple of hours , it`s not a great life with this hanging over us but we all must try to help each other