View Full Version : Went To The Dr For A Follow Up

11-11-05, 03:34
So I am at the Dr. and I know I get very uptight being there and I don't know why cuz I really love my Dr. he is awesome and has really helped me A LOT. Anyway the past 2 visits my BP was high so that is why I was there today to recheck it ... WELL MY GOD it was 165/110 I almost freaked .... I did tell him I have taken it a few times ( my mom has a home BP kit) and it's been totally fine. So before putting me on meds he gave me a BP machine to take home and monitor it for a month. Now get this .... within 30 mins after leaving the Dr. my BP was 130/74 ...It is possible for it to drop THAT MUCH??? I am now driving myself nuts thinking this machine he gave me doesn't work.
He told me to check it 3 times a day. And so far every single time I have taken it it's been in normal range....

Any thoughts????


11-11-05, 05:21
Yes Terri , This sort of change is very common.

The machine is working fine and you are fine too


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-11-05, 08:14

Mine is always sky high at the doctor's but fine when I get home and do it. We call it "white coat syndrome".


11-11-05, 12:01
Hi There

Gosh, this is totally me. I had exactly the same reading at my GP's 165/110, I have my own machine at home and my readings are always normal. My GP knows my anxiety and is happy to take my readings from my home machine. If you want to check maybe you can get someone else in your house to check their BP and if theirs is similar to the readings they get at the GP you know the readings are ok.

I often get my hubby to check his on our machine, he has normal BP at the doctors, his readings at home are always higher than mine, so that puts my mind at rest.

Please don't worry, I had that reading over 4 years ago, it's always the same if the doctor does it and always normal at home. I don't need medication as it is a temporary high due to the fact I hate the doctors, I'm sure yours is the same.

Good luck


08-01-09, 21:02
hi people
all this sounds like me too!have been on blood pressure tabs for years,at moment i am on low dose of beta-blocker.been to dr couple of times in 4 wk and each time its been 150-90 and i have checked it when i have got home and its been 120-65 sometime it has been lower! but problem now is he is thinking of changing my medication as he says it should be lower.I have got to go get it checked again in 2wk but now i am getting worried their monitor is incorrect and i will end up on different meds:ohmy: will have to let you all know.Watch this space LOL x