View Full Version : Side Effects from Vaccine

14-11-09, 10:44
Given that many people here are worried about the vaccine, and that pretty much everyone will have the opportunity to have it, I thought it would be wise just to have a thread where people can say what side effects if any, that they had :)

Now of course there's a jab version and a mist/spray version in most places, so we'll cover both.

I'll start, I had the jab version of the vaccine, got a bit of a sore arm, and a bit of swelling at the injection site, nothing else :)

14-11-09, 11:41
I had a sore arm for a couple of days and felt a little off the next day for a couple of hours , but overall no issues.
Have to note my anxiety increased a few days after but I can't pinpoint this to the injection and am now feeling Ok again.

14-11-09, 11:43
what the jab for,,,if its the flu one,,i had mine over a month ago,,all i had was my arm felt heavy,,and like i was kicked by a mule,,:roflmao:but next day it was fine,,i will say on the first night i had a high temp,,but that went too the next day and i felt fine

17-11-09, 13:09
I'm really worried about having the swine flu one because my nurse told me that they didn't have a clue who was going to react to it, and who wasn't. Not a good thing to say to someone with anxiety to be honest! I'm asthmatic, so I ought to have it, is there a higher risk than normal of a reaction?

17-11-09, 16:46
The people in my family who had the vaccine are asthmatic, only reaction we had was localised swelling and a bit of a sore & lumpy arm for a few days.

The nurse is correct about not knowing who won't react to the vaccines, as they never, ever know, even with the regular seasonal flu vaccines/mmr/polio etc.

If you have the seasonal vaccine, which you should have being asthmatic, take this one, as there is more chance of you getting seriously ill from Swine Flu than there is of getting even a mild reaction to the vaccination.

17-11-09, 19:57
Im also asthmatic and I've had the vac.

18-11-09, 17:37
ive had it yesterday. since i have had it, my anxiety has been so so so bad. i feel really spacey and dream like. my arm really hurts and im really tired. help meeeee.

20-11-09, 03:45
Is there anyone who had the vaccine and has a history of vertigo? I get bouts of vertigo from time to time. Thank God I have been okay lately... But I am nervous that the vaccine will trigger my vertigo. Did anyone experience this? Im scheduled for the vaccine on Tuesday. I am terrified, but I am also terrified of swine flu... I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.

20-11-09, 04:11
I feel the same way as you ItWillPass. I am terrified of the vaccine, but very terrified of the swine flu. I had the regular flu vaccine last Friday...all went well. Even got the nose spray instead of the shot, which is ironic considering it has the live virus in it, and I have health anxiety!

20-11-09, 09:01
Is there anyone who had the vaccine and has a history of vertigo? I get bouts of vertigo from time to time. Thank God I have been okay lately... But I am nervous that the vaccine will trigger my vertigo. Did anyone experience this? Im scheduled for the vaccine on Tuesday. I am terrified, but I am also terrified of swine flu... I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Both my Mum & Nan have episodes of Vertigo and have been perfectly fine from the jab, so means you could have one of two, try to get the jab version not the mist :)

21-11-09, 17:58
I had the vaccine a week ago and was terrified of side effects but more terrified of the swine flu - had an achey arm for a couple of days but nothing else at all

21-11-09, 20:26
My son and myself had a sore arm for a day or two. My husband felt a bit 'flu like' for 24 hours.

22-11-09, 15:44
I wouldn't touch these vaccines with a bargepole. Why are they putting mercury, chick embryo cells, MSG, formaldehyde, thimerosal, hydrocortisone, etc into these vaccines? Drug companies are making fortunes from the "swine flu". I think we should be a little more skeptical IMO.

22-11-09, 18:04
They use the same stuff in all the sodding vaccines, be it seasonal flu, or outbreak flu, they put in the vaccines what is required to make them work, and they are safe otherwise they wouldn't be given the ok, end of story :)

22-11-09, 18:39
They use the same stuff in all the sodding vaccines, be it seasonal flu, or outbreak flu, they put in the vaccines what is required to make them work, and they are safe otherwise they wouldn't be given the ok, end of story :)

Why is mercury and other nasties like that required to help them work? How do you know they're safe?

You go ahead and have them - no one will stop you.

22-11-09, 19:24
I've had it without any reactions, so have many people I know. The mercury level in the vaccine won't do anything to you, instead of just reading and listening to all these people who 'think they know' speak and listen to the people who are in the know.

There has been less reaction to this vaccine than there has in the normal seasonal flu vaccine, I think that says it all, and i'd rather be safe than sorry.

22-11-09, 21:38
I had it over a week ago, only had a sore arm for a couple of days, felt grand otherwise. I'd rather have the vaccine than the flu.

23-11-09, 00:39
I've had it without any reactions, so have many people I know. The mercury level in the vaccine won't do anything to you, instead of just reading and listening to all these people who 'think they know' speak and listen to the people who are in the know.

There has been less reaction to this vaccine than there has in the normal seasonal flu vaccine, I think that says it all, and i'd rather be safe than sorry.

Well you never answered my question of why these chemicals are in the vaccine in the first place? And I'm not talking about just mercury or the levels of these poisons. There's a whole list of chemicals, from poisons to corticosteroids and excitotoxins. The relevance of mercury especially, is that even "low" levels have been associated with depression and anxiety.

All I'm asking is for people to have an open mind and be a little skeptical. This isn't scaremongering. Why start a thread about vaccinations and their SEs if your attitude is "they are safe, end of story"?

However, if you say end of story, then that's fine ... end of discussion. I truly do hope however that these vaccines are safe, and that people can come back here in 2 or 3 or 5 years' time and say that they are still well.

23-11-09, 09:27
I opened it purely because there will be a lot of people on here having the vaccine, so it's for them to see and report any potential side effects they have from the vaccine so they aren't alone, not for the purpose of debate or discussion about what's in the vaccines.

23-11-09, 13:28
It's not up to you what people choose to say or debate about here. There's no need for arrogance. This isn't your site - remember that.

25-11-09, 03:32
thanks guys! I had the jab today... and thank g-d its not horrible. I feel a little tired and out of it, but nothing severe. I think in the end the fear of swine flu is more realistic than the fear of issues with the vaccine.

25-11-09, 22:56
hi, i had the flu jab, the swine flu jab, and my vitamin b12 injection all at the same time different arms for the flu jabs, apart from the sore heavy arm for a couple of days i was fine as to speeak i understand ur concern and fear 20 yrs later, and many health problems still, if i can deal with this and be ok u shud be too plus im asmatic, diabetic, vit b12 deficient, heart probs, are just a few, but hope this helps hugs julia

27-11-09, 15:26
Me and my wife both had the swine flu vaccine on Monday this week. No bad side effects, just a little run down for a couple of days, arm a bit sore and swollen but going off now.

I have the annual flu vaccine and would say that the effects of the swine flu jab are no worse than the seasonal jab, both of which aren't bad at all.

Please don't let the fear of side effects put you off if you need the swine flu vaccine.

27-11-09, 15:33
Went for swine flu jab yesterday, they also did flu jab aswell in other arm, glad i only got 2 arms, never had any before, seem ok at moment just bit lethargic and arms aching, i was bit concerned if there were going to be any side effects mainly.

27-11-09, 21:09
i have not gone yet....not because i think its unsafe, not because of the stuff they put in it but mostly that i did not have time.

29-11-09, 15:39
I haven't had my Swine flu shot yet, mainly because I don't think that they have it yet and I'm still getting over a cold, so couldn't have it anyway, but I will have it soon, had the 'normal' flu shot and that stung and my shoulder ached for about a week!

01-12-09, 16:19
Sore arm thats all

02-12-09, 15:10
My family and I had ours 2 weeks ago. Apart from an aching sore arm we were all fine. I did feel a bit achy the next day, but the wife and kids were all fine.

Little Miss Anxious
03-12-09, 15:47
Hi Everyone

My husband had it just over a week ago, I didnt want him to as I was paranoid something bad would happen - he dosent listen to me so went anyway, lol !!

He was absolutely fine, apart from feeling like he had a slightly bruised arm. Absolutely no other side affects. :roflmao:

04-12-09, 04:10
I had mine done earlier this week without any problems other than the usual sore arm. I've also had the seasonal one done for the past few years.

As far as I know, both vaccines are produced in exactly the same way using eggs so I had no concerns about having the swine flu jab.

About 20 years ago I had bad pneumonia so I can understand how people suffer when they catch this flu because it sounds worse than the seasonal one even though it does cause only mild symptoms in the vast majority of people.

However, I actually couldn't wait to have my done because I want to avoid getting pneumonia again and nor would I want to risk passng this flu to those I care about around me because you never know if it really will only be mild for those you give it to as well.

I'd much rather risk the vaccine, especially when it doesn't worry me, than infect those I care about.

I also feel the quickest way to stop this nasty bug so that none of us have it to worry about is to stop it infecting people.:hugs:

06-12-09, 14:58
Had it yesterday and last night had a fever and flu like symptoms all night. They have subsided today and just now have the sore arm.

07-12-09, 16:25
thank you so much for starting this thread, the positive posts on here gave me the encouragement to go and have my swine flu jab today along with my hubby and daughter...:)