View Full Version : very down

14-11-09, 16:03
i have been feeliing very depressed i know people will think that its due to a haveing a baby but its not im very excited to have a baby, but the doctor has said i have depression and its not that unusal to have it when pregnant if a person suffers with mental illness . My self asteem is very low and i hate going out its getting to a point where my husband cant leave me at home on my own and have to go with him and that is very unlike me . normally very happy with going out or staying in those sorts of issues have never been a reall problem for me so it has come as a surprise .

anyway i thought i would just post this thread to find out if i am not alone with depression dring pregnancy and to find out how people overcame there depression ?

14-11-09, 16:05
sorry i have also forgot to mention that i was diagnosed with sad a couple of years ago and have ocd

14-11-09, 17:41
Sorry to hear you're so down Nicola, could be all those hormones not helping as well. From the SAD point of view let's face it - the weather is very depressing at the moment and it does get you down at times. Lots of people I work with are very tired at the moment and are blaming it on the weather. It's good you're discussing it with your doctor and trying to keep on top of it. I'm sure you're not the only one who has ever felt like this when pregnant. I'd just take it easy, do what you like when you like and don't stress yourself too much. You will feel happy again, please don't worry, this is just a 'blip'!
Myra x

14-11-09, 20:45
thanks for your reply