View Full Version : My daughters anxiety

Granny Primark
14-11-09, 16:26
Im just wondering if ive caused my daughters anxiety or if shes inherited it from me.
Shes only 24 and suffering badly with stress.
Her job is so stressful.
We think its due to her job but im scared that my anxiety has been passed on to her.
Or worse still because of my anxiety illness and the worry ive caused has this been too much her?

margaret jones
14-11-09, 16:35
Hi Lynn

My daughter had a stressfull job and i like you worried about her ,she was short tempered with her kids and hubby and her stress levels where through the roof i thought like you have i made her like this ?? Thankfully she realized that the job was not for her and for the past 2yrs has been in a better place both work and stress wise .Does your daughter feel that the job is the cause ??

Take Care Lynn Margaret xx

15-11-09, 08:40
My daughter has OCD and I have always felt that my anxiety has led her to have this.

BUT, I discussed it once with my Therapist and he said that it could be a genetic link, it could be a learned behaviour or it could be totally unrelated to my own anxieties.

So, basically, no one can say for certain where someone elses anxiety/depression stems from.
