View Full Version : A Whole New Bundle Of Anxiety Symtoms!

14-11-09, 17:45
Hello.. Again

I dont know whats up with me lately, been sleeping, eating, drinking and being active fine.. well when i say fine really.. going out to town has been hard, eventhough i had my mum with me. I got a really tight horrible uncomftable feeling in the middle of my chest. And it was hard to breathe, some nights i wake up breathless, and i cant seem to breathe in well and its so unsettleing! Ive been feeling faint and getting tempretures. So frustrating and sometimes i just wanna be alone because i get so overwelmed by it all, having a little cry on my own helps untill it comes back again. So hard i just dont know how to divide the anxiety symptoms from the actual symptoms, im scared theres something wrong with me like.. with my lungs or chest.. or airwaves.. when im feeling sick i feel as if its an infection in my tummy or if i have a lingering tummy bug. I hate this i love going out and christmas shopping! But i cant seem to enjoy it when i feel like someone has a rope around my chest and a washing machine effect in my stomache. :( WHAT TO DO?

14-11-09, 18:22
Awww Ruby, sounds like you're having an awful time. The good news first of all is you know it's anxiety.. that's obvious from the title of this thread. The little niggling voice that keeps asking you if it's something else is so quiet you are only just listening to it.

It is sooo hard but we all know that when we are able to just think .. ive had enough.. i wont listen to that voice anymore.. the symptoms will no doubt get better.

Don't let this awful illness ruin your Christmas.... just go out there and do your normal things and if your get the symptoms just remember that they cannot hurt you.

All the best
Mand x