View Full Version : Why dont people understand?

14-11-09, 18:22
Hi it is really frustrating me that no one understands what Im talking about when I try and explain what I feel like in relation to anxiety. The only person that does is my husband and I am so lucky he does. Ive had CBT and my theripist didnt really get what I was on about nor did any of the GPs Ive seen. All my theripist used to do was draw me pictures of a stick man explaining a Panic Attack which I dont really get. The only help Ive really had is reading Claire Weekes books which described exactly how I feel. The GPs and Theripist seem to just have certain catagorys like OCD, Agraphobia, Panic disorder etc. It panics me as I feel like the only person feeling like I do, when they ask me what I feel like I say scared,strange about my surroundings, heart racing, no interest in life, obsessive worrying about whats wrong with me etc which I had all day every day for about 5 or 6 months. I have been referred to a psychiatrist as I am now pregnant and Im worried he or she wont understand either. Does anyone feel the same?

14-11-09, 19:37
Hi there

Yes I totally understand your symptoms. No interest in life, obsessive worry about whats wrong or whats going to happen, shaking, no appetite, disjointed from life or unusual feelings about everyday things that normally would make you smile. Yes in buckets !

I think GPs stick to diagnostic criteria but actually anxiety symptoms are on a continuum - thats the issue.

I have had this before but after moving to Canada 3 months ago ( am moving back this month) - the stress of the move/disruption to my life has sent my anxiety through the roof and further.

ANyhow- if it helps - you are not alone with this.


14-11-09, 19:47

We understand - lots of us on this site have felt or are still feeling like you - you've described it perfectly. Claire Weekes herself suffered from anxiety and is therefore speaking from the heart when she explains the symptoms of panic and anxiety. Health professionals who haven't actually experienced the symptoms can only deal with what they have studied. At work I've listened to psychologists, psychiatrists talk and have often felt a bit surprised at their attitude. I've felt that I actually know more about what they're talking about than they do because I've actually experienced it!! Ridiculous though it sounds!! So yes, we know how you feel and you're not alone. You will get through this with acceptance, understanding and letting time pass - as Claire Weekes says!!
Myra x

14-11-09, 21:58
I've been through the same myself. This website has helped me immensely because it made me realize a lot of other people are experiencing the same type of things that I am, and can understand and empathize with.

Doctors are trained to help with these sort of things, but it's just the nature of the situation. Anxiety and panic are something you can not fully understand until you experience it yourself. I used to study psychology and the picture I had in my head of anxiety and panic attacks are completely different than what I had experienced. I never realized how terrifying and debilitating it is.

I've stated this in another thread, but I find it's like describing what yellow looks like to a person who was born blind. You can describe the characteristics, and what it's "like", and what it might be similar to, but if you don't see it for yourself, you will never really know.

I feel that's why most of the work needed to recover and improve has to be self-motivated and you really have to take it upon yourself to make things better. No one else can do it for you. The only thing anyone else can really do is offer support and maybe some goals.

15-11-09, 09:20
Hi all
I absolutely agree with everything said already on this thread. It is impossible to explain to someone who has never experienced anxiety/depression/phobia/obsession what hell it is. Which is probably true of a lot of things I suppose. I have no idea what it feels like to be an alcoholic etc, but that is why self help groups like this site are so necessary. As far as the "professional" help goes I have had some good experiences, but also some bad ones which actually put ideas in my head that weren't already there and ended up giving me more problems! It's a bit of a lottery really.

15-11-09, 10:10

I just wanted to say that you have described my anxiety exactly! You are definately not alone in this. It is so true that no one can understand what it is truly like to suffer from anxiety/panic unless they have experienced it.
This site is really helpful. It's good to speak to prople who really understand you.
I hope you get the help you are looking for soon.

15-11-09, 10:18
Some people understand, other people don't, it's just the way it goes. Have you just tried a standard counsellor you can just plain old talk to? They tend to have more of an understanding than other therapists as they have heard it all before, it's certainly helping me having someone to talk to.

15-11-09, 12:17
:hugs:I hate the response from docs or psychs -
"There is nothing physicaly wrong with you".:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:
So! what is wrong then?
""basically it is ALL IN YOUR HEAD""
so i am imagining it then??
No not exactly.....
I, like all of you want to know what makes me feel giddy, makes me feel scared, makes loud bangs in my head, makes my ear feel as if it will explode side ways.
""you should stop worrying, it is only stress that is causing all those symptoms""
BUT i was not stressed till the symptoms came - anyway 'how can i stop these fears??'
"Just take these tablets......"
It is such a relief to come on here and read that other people get as upset as me. (not that i would wish any of this on my worst enemy:weep:)
Thank you for listening
Best wishes

15-11-09, 22:13
Thanks for your responses I did forget to say that other than Claire Weekes books,this website has been great in helping me too. Its been brilliant. I might think about trying out a counsellor Welsh.Baz. Thanks :flowers:

15-11-09, 23:08
The one thing that really makes me angry about "the feeling" is the fact you can actually feel like your dying from the inside, feel hot, shakey, dizzy..like your being taken over by some unknown force. Yet because you look fine, have all limbs people think your attention seeking or exaggerating. People "worry" on a different level but not many understand the true meaning of "worry" which is constant in every day life they see it as the same as when someone gets a little nervous before a big event. lol