View Full Version : dizzy upon waking....very distressed about it!

14-11-09, 22:42
This morning as soon as i opened my eyes the room was spinning, i was really really dizzy, i have never had this before, and i was very scared.
My boyfriend came straight home from work as i rang him hysterical, he calmed me down and helped me up, the dizziness went and ive been ok apart from being tired and a weird pressure feeling at the back of my head all day.
I went to the docs friday as ive been having alot of headaches, ive been told to keep a headache diary for 2 weeks, i really wanted to call the doc today but my boyfriend told me to wait to see how it goes as he thinks its all anxiety related.
Has anybody else ever woke up dizzy like this? I mean i wasnt even up i was still in bed led down....i found it extremely distressing. Please could anybody help me out on this one, as im already finding difficult about going to bed tonight and waking up like it again tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.....hope somebody can help.
Debs x

14-11-09, 22:59
I've had this before and yes it is horrible. I've had it during the night when I've wakened up. I don't particularly think that it's caused by anxiety - I think it's more of a "labyrinth" problem. Maybe a piece of wax in the ear that causes you to feel as though you've lost balance. Or maybe the way you've lay in a particular position in bed. It's almost like vertigo. I know other people who've had it as well so please don't worry about it too much. It's frightening but it passes. Even if it happened more often there are meds to help, but it's probably a one off.
Myra x

14-11-09, 23:10
If you had a sensation of the room spinning, it is most likely labyrinthitis or just an inner ear infection or a ear fluid issue. It just sends your balance organs in your ear for a loop. It's a not a big deal and you should be fine. Meclizine helps if you get nauseous and it helps with the spinning. Just have your doc check it out. Nothing to worry about.

15-11-09, 00:09
Thank you for replying myra and ninjaxero, i did think it could be something with the ear, but would it just happen that once this morning, because ive had no dizziness throughout the rest of the day? Probably just over reacting again but it was scarey and alarming to wake up completley in a spin like that!! Still abit uneasy about going to sleep tho!!!
Debs x

15-11-09, 00:23

ive had 3 types of dizziness.....one was when i woke up, id feel so lightheaded- that was every morning for months..i found out that was due to a vitamin deficiency...

also, i had another dizziness which happened when i lied down on one side, and the room would spin- that ended up being an inner ear infection.

lastly, twice in my life so far i have had this random thing where ive woken up, opened my eyes and literally the room was spinning - it felt like my eyebals were spinning in my head..it lasted for about 2-3 mins and was totally terrifying...to this day i dont know what happened, but when i went to the doc he just said it happens to ppl from time to time, sometimes only once in their life, sometimes a few times....its called vertigo, but i had no idea what caused it...doc just said to go back to him if it happened more then once in a week.......hope this helps somewhat....

15-11-09, 00:32
Hi Peach,
Thank u for that, mine this morning was how u described at the end, like my eye balls were spinning, to be honest i felt like i was on a very fast merry-go-round!!! I am really trying not to worry so much but its hard because its a new thing for me. But i really appreicate u replying, thank you.
Debs x

15-11-09, 00:33
I don't agree with the labyrinthitis or inner ear theory. Obviously we're not doctors here so you should get it thoroughly checked out, but if you've been getting anxiety, it's more probable that it's tension headache related. If you've been getting pressure at the back of your head it's very likely that's the cause, because there are sensory nerves that control balance/coordination there and any prolonged contraction/tension of muscles there can cause all sorts of trouble. I've been suffering with these problems for quite a few years now and although it can feel scary, it's not usually anything serious.

15-11-09, 00:45
Over the last couple of months I've been getting bouts of dizziness and at first they are frightening. But it's just another symptom of anxiety (although tiredness, eye strain and other conditions can cause it). From the way you reacted, you seem over-sensitive, so please don't let it worry you too much. If your doctor is concerned, there is nothing to panic about, just try to ignore it when it happens and it will go away.

15-11-09, 01:30
Again thank u for the replies. When i went to the doc about the headaches he did mention tension, and to relax etc, my neck and shoulders proir to the dizziness have been achey and heavy, so it does co-inside with the tension theory, so thank u.
Very weary of it happening again, but if it does i do think i will visit the docs again, i cant believe how incredibly scarey this is, so i completly understand how awful it for those who suffer with this constantly and daily.
Debs x

15-11-09, 21:56
Do you know that tension in the neck muscles can cause vertigo. Your neck bones and muscles have balance receptors in them that send signals to your inner ear so anything that affects these from anxiety to damage to your neck can cause vertigo. I have a damaged neck and anxiety and have had balance/vertigo problems for past 12 yrs! this info was from a eminent neurosurgeon so I am not making it up honest he was dealing with my neck problem and said all of his patients with damaged necks have bad balance vertigo problems but just tension and an undamaged neck can cause same problems as well.

28-10-12, 14:53
I'm wondering if it stopped happening to Debs?
I just had it happen two mornings ago for the 1st time and it scared the heck out of me. I felt not like myself all day!
It was very sudden and severe.
Then I reluctantly went to sleep the following night wishing it would not happen again, but it did!
I felt like throwing up both times.
Anyhow the 2nd time I propped 2 pillows up and went to sleep with my head elevated and it relieved my panic a lot.
Tomorrow I'm going to tell my chiropractor and see if he can help by maybe adjusting my neck. If not I'm going to my doctor after that.
Hope it's long in your past and you're feeling better!

28-10-12, 21:00
is it the way you,ve been lying

29-10-12, 22:10
Hi Raven2,
Sorry to hear you have been suffering similar, its horrible! I never had a spell like that upon waking again, but i have and do suffer all types of dizziness now, have been told its all anxiety related but never the less just as frightening and just as hard.
I do hope this symptom eases for you, take care.

Debs x