View Full Version : Muscle, Gut or Vascular?

11-11-05, 11:26
I read something recently in 'Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Their Cause and Cure' by Robert Handly (anybody read it?), which I have read before, but which has only just come to mean something to me. We all react to stress in one of three ways: Some of us are "muscle reactors", we constantly brace our skeletal muscles, such as our neck and shoulders , we suffer from tension headaches and even back pain. Others are "Gut reactors" who brace their lower intestine and are vulnerable to ulcers and colitis. While the third group are "Vascular reactors", people who clench the smooth muscles such as the arteries when they are under stress. They have chronically cold hands and feet and are prone to migraines.

At first I thought I was a muscle reactor, because my neck and shoulders are always knotted up, I'm always achy and I'm very un-limber (if there is such a word!). But then I thought, "well, I do get very cold hands and feet" and at school I nearly fainted when we played sport in the cold. Plus, my chest always feels really tight. I know I'm not a gut reactor, but it made me think of my uncle, who runs his own business and suffers from chrone's disease (bleeding from the back passage). He doesn't really seem like he gets stressed, but it seems likely that his illness is caused by being a gut reactor.

So, the question is: Are you a muscle, gut or vascular reactor?

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

11-11-05, 13:50
Very intresting [^] My hands and feet are always cold.

Thank you.



11-11-05, 17:56

There are times when i think i am all three!:D

Today i am more muscle


11-11-05, 19:08
Muscle oh so def muscle, but that was interesting to read

I just want my life back

12-01-06, 20:46
All of the above.... sometimes


Y Goble

12-01-06, 21:09
Muscle for me mainly.


*** Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can. ***

12-01-06, 22:39
i think im all three!
Im always suffering from tension headaches which are agony, and i have back problems too, but if i have a nasty shock or someone gives me bad news i usually feel like im about to throw up, and sometimes i react to panic by being sick, but then i constantly have cold hands and feet, i have appalling circulation and unless i wear socks my toes are purple, or if im really cold they go white- i have raynauds disease, and i suffer from migraines. So im a mixture of all three!

I think i react differently to different types of stress, bad news or other emotional stress makes me throw up and feel ill, whereas working hard and being busy gives me tension headaches and lumbago. Thinking about it, the muscles which make you vomit are smooth muscles arent they? as you have no control over them? so maybe im predominantly vascular then?!

either way you lose lol

14-01-06, 21:32
Hi everyone,

I am definately all three, I too have raynauds have done since childhood, and suffer from migraines - usually when I have had prolonged stress, or prolonged lack of sleep. Tense muscles particularly shoulders neck and arms is a problem and although I am not usually troubled by nausea but I cannot eat and I have sensitive bowels (!!!) when anxious and panicking.

Therefore I could not decide which to vote for, or whether to vote three times.


29-01-06, 21:45
mainly muscle for me, neck shoulders, eyes and face, often have cold hands and feet but that could be a girl thing! and when i was going through extreme events in my previous relationship terrible gut flutters, fear and panick. im better now thank god. i get a massive adrenalin thing going on when im angry around monthly girly times anyone know how to calm it down? i take vitamins eat healthy and sleep at regular times but still suffer with mood swings i cant control it when i get wound up its like im not there

06-10-08, 13:39
i suffer mostly GUT always abdominal aches and pains IBS etc.
Saying that, I have real bad back pain at the moment -not been out of the house for three days - feel real sorry for myself at the moment.

Cathy V
06-10-08, 14:05
Im definately of the 'vascular' variety...i gues that also includes the heart :)

06-10-08, 19:06
Muscular and vascular. That was mighty interesting though.