View Full Version : New to health anxiety

14-11-09, 23:16
Hi there,

Im new to feeling health anxiety, if it is Anxiety. The doc told me this week that he suspects I have Lyme disease. Ive been ill over the last month. Awaiting my blood results but the doctor put me on dioxiciline antibiotics (sp?) because its such a strong possibility. The day before I went on the tablets I started getting a pain around middle lower part of my shoulder, and also in my chest and my upper back that feels like its at my lungs. I feel a pain when I breathe in deeply more and almost hear a clicking in my chest every now and again with a deep breathe. I wondered if this is classic anxiety as Im trying to feel positive bout bein ill and trying to smile through it, even tho there are things sorta worrying me. But I think it has been stressing me out so much not having an answer to what was wrong with me. Now Im worried maybe its related to the Lymes, or maybe the tablets or maybe its anxiety, argh, I dunno. I just wanted some advice for anyone thats been through anxiety . This dull achy pain has been there most of the time over the last few days and started b4 the tablets, so i dont think its that. There is more pin pointed pain when I breathe in and even worse when i breathe in deeper.

Any advice will be much appreciated :)

Much love

15-11-09, 15:37
Hi again,

Can anyone give me some advice? I feel as if there is someone pushing down on the back of my chest and my whole chest and back feels tight and keeps twinging. Its been like this for about 4-5 days now. I dont wanna go to the doctor until my next appointement when ill get my results but its kinda worrying me. Please any advice would be great.

Thank you

15-11-09, 15:56
I can't give you any advice about your chest as i've never experienced that symptom (yet)!

It is most likely to be anxiety / stress in my opinion as i think it is very stressful waiting for results and not knowing what could be the problem.

I too was ill for a month prior to my "apparent" health anxiety, yes i believe i have suffered from health anxiety but i still do believe there is an underlying problem as i am in pain most days and twitch when i'm anxious or not.

Try your best not to worry about it, but if you really do feel very concerned about it then go to your docs, that is what they are there for.

15-11-09, 16:06
Thanks Gazman!

Chest pain is a symptom of lymes, Id have thought I was going crazy over the last month if I hadnt had that circular rash. But now maybe that I know its a possibility Im startin to dream things up.. I dunno, its just such a pain cause its constantly there. and the I start freaking about pnemonia and stuff like that. Ive worried in the past that there might be something wrong with me,a normal amount I think, but not this bad b4. I dont know if tensed muscles or something would have this effect...If it gets realli bad or effects my breathing ill prob do something about it. Its more of a tight sensation round the back of my chest and sorta a crushing feeling. But if anyone has experienced this please let me know.

Thank you :)

15-11-09, 17:55
yes apparently tension can do that, i'm suprised no one else has commented yet as there are so many people on here that worry about pains in their chest.

It's normal to worry about your health, especially after possibly contracting lyme disease but luckily you have caught it early and will be fine, there are people that have it for months and even years and didn't know about it and are fine.

Try your best to relax with baths etc and slowly but surely these pains should go away, do not start worrying about other things as you will become anxious and start having other symptoms.

Nip it in the bud early! :yesyes:

15-11-09, 20:43
I get a tight crushing sensation as well. I know it's anxiety, but i still have that nagging doubt it must be something more! It did go off for a while and then re visting the doctor actually brought it back again! I find stretching and laying down doing deep breathing exercises do really help, but it's difficult when you're out in public to just lay down in the middle of the path!!

15-11-09, 20:55
Hi i have exactly the same feelings. My chest is tight as well and when i breathe in i do get some pains. Due to my chest being this way i get dizzy which is because im over breathing. I have looked for so many different ways to control this but most of the time doesn't work. The best time is when you don't notice it and the symptoms decrease. I know its extremely hard but all you can do is to keep telling yourself that you will be all right and not to worry.

15-11-09, 22:39
Hi guys,

Thanks so much for your responses. I noticed tonight that when I was out for dinner I didn't feel anything until I was thinking about it again. Its helped so much to know that it is something that you get with anxiety. Its just such a strange feeling...

Muchos love

15-11-09, 22:44
Glad to hear it! :yesyes: