View Full Version : light headed. Feeling of panic for no reason. Cant sleep

15-11-09, 00:11

I am new to this forum, and so please bare with me. It will be long as I have a lot to explain. Your help/insight is greatly appreciated....

A little bit about my current situation. I recently graduated from college in May and have been without a job since then (6 months). I can honestly say I have felt little to NO stress about this fact. At least not that I know of. I have a lot of friends, and I have a lot of fun, so I havent felt depressed.

I began feeling random dizzy/lightheaded spells out of nowhere in about August, when my life was perfectly fine. I didnt know what it was, and it didnt really scare me. I just let it go.

In early Nov. (3 months after these spells started out of the blue) I was offered a job. It was in the field I am interested in, but i was NOT crazy about taking it, but felt that I had to take it to please my parents, and a good friend who stuck her neck out to get me the job through her father (Who is a VP at the company). I began having what i felt were panic attacks my first week of work. I didnt like the job (12 hour days with 30 min lunch break that was more like 5 minutes), always in my car running errands, all of which I HATE as a person. So after the first week I told them I would be quitting, and I did. However, that didnt stop my lightheaded problems.

Also, at night, I lay in bed as usual, get very tired, close my eyes, and as soon as i "Fall off" to sleep, i get a dizzy sensation, and almost like I've stopped breathing and sort of flinch and my body wakes up. EVEN IF IM NOT ANXIOUS OR THINKING ABOUT ANYTHING. this first started when i had that job. Now, I am beginning to dread going to bed, and it takes me several HOURS to fall asleep, because of this. NOTE: I am very fearful of flying, and the only other time something like this has happened to me is when I am on an airplane. No matter how tired I get, as soon as i try to sleep and my mind seems to "forget" about the fact that Im on an airplane, my body wakes itself up.... which makes NO sense, because its when im not thinking about it (IE sleeping) that this happens.

So then I fear that something is wrong with my body, and I cant stop thinking about it through the day (and night sometimes) and the cycle begins.

I dont understand why I am lightheaded still NOW, after I have quit the job, and all stressors that I can think of in my life are gone. Frankly, my life should be stress free. But as I sit here typing this i feel totally light headed. When Im thinking about random things it will hit me. When im not anxious, it HITS ME! This makes me think something more serious is wrong. Why would this happen if im not anxious?

Also, since graduating, I switched form parents insurance to individual plan. I need to wait 6 months before seeing a doctor (mid Dec.) so my premium doesnt skyrocket. from what I read all over the internet, the Dr will just narrow it down to anxiety. I have always had anxiety and used to be on Celexa. Strange thing: when i was taking Celexa (citalopram) and i would forget to take it for a couple days, I would get this dizzy/lightheaded feeling. Cant imagine it could be a withrawal symptom after almost a year of not taking it. But other than that I have been healthy. So I dont know what to do.

Does anybody have these symptoms (even when youre not anxious)? Does this sound like anxiety or something more? I am looking for peace of mind until I can see a Dr. All i know is that out of all the anxiety I've ever had in life (college, exams, finals, flying, etc) this has NEVER happened.

Please lend a hand.
