View Full Version : Tight chest, hard to breath?

15-11-09, 12:43
So i was wondering about my chest issues and my breathing.

I have felt that it feels hard to get enough air, like the chest is tight.
I have had it before but now i have had it for like 3 days. Not all the time but most hours through the day.
Can this be anxiety?
Have anyone here had this problem?

I have terrified that it is some illness and it makes my anxiety go through the roof:weep:

I would be grateful for some answears.

/ Daniel

15-11-09, 14:17
It's a pretty common symptom of anxiety, I get it now and then. I find a nice, warm bath helps relax the body and ease the tension.

15-11-09, 18:29
Hello Daniel,

Yes this does sound like anxiety. Your chest muscles are tense and you feel you can't get a deep breath. You will always get enough air though so please don't worry too much. Try some slow deep breathing exercises which in turn relax you and let you concentrate on something else. Breathe in through your nose, expanding your tummy for a count of 7, breathe out through your mouth for a count of 11. This will pass when you relax a bit.

sarah jayne
16-11-09, 17:58
Ive had this all day, its awful, it feels like ive got to concentrate to carry on breathing. I know its due to anxiety as ive had it before but i'd forgot how awful it was. Im hoping it goes soon. I find that doing something to distract myself takes my mind off it.
Sarah x

17-11-09, 09:01
I have this right now