View Full Version : I want it all to stop

15-11-09, 15:31
Everytime I think I'm nearly there something else crops up :( but normally I can get past it and this time I cant. I think my mum is ill and I'm frightened. I can't stop crying I get all sorts of images in my head and it scares me. She has been diagnosed with Labyrinthitis and lots of ear problems for about 4 years. She takes seziures and has done for a long time. Only recently they're a bit more frequent but my GP said that was due to her getting pyschotherapy (its Non Epileptic seizures). She said her pyschologist says there's characteristics of her seizures that are not matching up - eg she wets herself but my mam says that's due to her having poor bladder muscles as it is. She also has pernicious anemia and she says that the injections she gets to help that don't work so well now - so they're going to try and increase it. She also says she gets blurry vision/diziness etc after eating high sugar stuff. She's also a carer to my sister and she always says she's tired and she gets fluid retention in her ankles. And now the doctors are saying she might have an electrolyte imbalance. She says she gets migraines and floaters too,

I know that's a lot but I'm scared incase it's all something awful like a brain tumour. I phone her about 40 times a day now becuase I'm so worried and scared. I can't get reassured and relaxed and I keep crying at nothing. She had an MRI a couple of years ago and eye tests as well so surely something would have been picked up.

I can't live without my mum - if anything was to happen to her I'd lose the will to live.

Please help :weep::weep:

15-11-09, 15:48
you mum is goig through a lot but it seems like the doter is taking good care of her do hope she improves i dont think anything in the world is as our mothers i can understand yu being upst ,but she needs you to be strong for her ,,,as when you get upset it will upset her so if you can be strong xxxxxxxxxxxxx