View Full Version : I am still desprate

11-11-05, 12:23

Thank you all for this site, the information is invaluable but I am on the very bottom rung of a ladder thats in the deepest pit. A couple of guys mail me that helps a lot. How do I get sleep, I am scared when I go to bed that I wont sleep, when I do I wake up needing air lots of it theres not enough in the room. The sleep I do get is the wrong type so i feel worse in the morning, this morning I have been shaky all the time, doesnt help when yoy are tring to cut wood and tiles.

I have strange dreams, a dog is sitting on my shoulder biting me, I am in a sort of caffeteria in the states I poke my head through a skylight to see General Custer hung out to dry. I get between 3 an 4 hours then im awake covers back window open, you all probably know the rest.

Can anyone help me


11-11-05, 18:02
It can be a vicious circle can't it - the more you worry about not being able to get to sleep,the more you can't. Sometimes i get a little bit like that,especially since i had a baby 'cos you know the time when they're asleep is the time you've got to get your sleep. Have you tried any form of sleeping tablets or bendodiazpines? I have alot of nightmares and night panics (feeling of panic attacks during sleep)I just tell myself that my body is getting some rest even if my sleep is disturbed by bad dreams. One tactic I use to get to sleep when im worried i can't is to convince myself that im just having a rest and it doesn't matter if I don't fall asleep and very often that works.I can recommend a low dose of a bendodiazepine,they work wonders for me.You can get ones that are more formulated for night time and insomnia problems. Don't despair, you will be getting some rest even if it doesn't feel like it. Our bodies are remarkably resilient. Hope this helps if only a little,


11-11-05, 19:27
You could always try Valerian and hops as a natural sleep aid.

I get mine from here:



11-11-05, 23:27
hi keith....im just off to bed and i feel a little panicky myself....i keep getting a funny fluttering thru my chest thru my throat..i know its anxiety...but the more ya think about it the more ya worry ya know....remember the storm we spoke about keith on email?? well remember it does get calmer.....trus tme keith i know how it feels with the sleeping bit...im so desperate for good sleep but as soon as night time comes i start to get anxiety because im already thinking ill have a panic attack...but the waves of desperation will get smaller mate...one day soon you will be able to breathe clearly again...just try to ride out the storm keith...we're all here for ya....
try to get some sleep mate...and if you do need air at night so be it...it doesnt matter :)
ill check back in in the morning......
be brave keith,,

Sue K with 5
12-11-05, 19:47

Strange dream can be part of our sub conscious thought processes, if you tried to analyse your dream you would probably find that this is in fact something to do with a fear that is part of your conscious mind and is something which worries you on a regular basis! Medication can help you but I would suggest you start doing some relaxation and trying to do some deep breathing exercises at night !

You might also benefit from looking into some kind of CBT which could be oh huge benefit to you

Take care for now and dont give up ! it does get better

Sue with 5


12-11-05, 22:40

no exacly what you mean pal, i use to get hardly any sleep and if i did drop off i was like in a semi sleep state and often dreaming about anxiety...lol...god all day then even in my sleep. I use to have to have an eye mask on as any light sent things flashing through my mind, strange images flashing thorugh my mind, faces id never seen....all odd stuff........but to be honest i think it was me watching these things in a scared way which made it worse........spoke to my brother and he told me about his dream the night before and it was the wierdest thing id ever heard..lol....so perhaps all people get odd thoughts and so on when they go mto sleep but we are just watching, noticing and them worrying about them.

on a positive not this was about 6 months ago now and now i sleep really well....still get the odd thoughts but then to be honest i probably always got them so now i dont let them worry me..and when it doesnt worry you it doesnt matter.

take care pal as it does get easier and easier with time and just accpeting it for what it is...silly worry.
