View Full Version : my symptom list..... Am i alone.? X

15-11-09, 20:13
i thought id tell you all my health anxiety worries. Want to no if im alone. 1. Pulsating stomach. 2. Always aware of my wee and poo (sorry). 3. Always checking heartbeat. 4. Leg pain. 5. Always proddin and poking my belly for lumps. 6. Always have that feeling 'i dont feel right'. 7. Can feel my heartbeat in every part of my body. 8. Armpit pain. 9. Think i have cancer. 10. Scared to take tablets. 11. Always tired and no motivation. 12. Hair loss. 13. Always have leukozytes in urine. Can people tell me what out of there they get please i would love to know thank you x x x x

15-11-09, 21:54
right now, not feeling anxious at all but kinda down as i cant seem to get my head around what's wrong with me but my list is as follows:

Armpit pain / uncomfortable on left side
Pains in thighs
Lump in throat uncomfortable swallowing
pains in arms
feeling as though i'm vibrating when i wake up
Any physical exertion seems to fatigue me extremely quickly
I've also noticed the heartbeat in most places of my body although that has died down some what now.

15-11-09, 21:56
All sounds like very typical symptoms which is bad in one way and good in another.. at least you are not alone with this.. anxiety causes all sorts of weird symptoms.

Mand x

15-11-09, 22:24
I check for everything. i spit in my hand , just to check my mucus, i am prodding my body 24/7 for lumps. Your not alone my friend .. what more can i say

take it easy


maureen berry
20-11-09, 11:46
i thought id tell you all my health anxiety worries. Want to no if im alone. 1. Pulsating stomach. 2. Always aware of my wee and poo (sorry). 3. Always checking heartbeat. 4. Leg pain. 5. Always proddin and poking my belly for lumps. 6. Always have that feeling 'i dont feel right'. 7. Can feel my heartbeat in every part of my body. 8. Armpit pain. 9. Think i have cancer. 10. Scared to take tablets. 11. Always tired and no motivation. 12. Hair loss. 13. Always have leukozytes in urine. Can people tell me what out of there they get please i would love to know thank you x x x x hi angelmummy you are so like me its unbilievable nearly all your problems could be mine think ihave cancer pulsing stomache like trmbling inside always cheking my poo always proding and cheking my body for lumps have my so driven mad as i am a widow he gets it all i have him checking for lumps and glands sometimes have him up in early hours telling him im dying so wish for this to go away dont you anyway would like to talk to you more just to have someone with same things makes you feel better if this doesent sound mad best of luck :hugs::emot-rolleyes::emot-fail: