View Full Version : Reaccurrig headaches

anx mum
15-11-09, 21:29
Since thursday now my headaches have returned again really had thought they had gone:weep: surely there has got too b a reason for them all the time

15-11-09, 21:39
I get alot of headaches too. Mine is due to anxiety. I get sharp shooting pains through different parts of my head as well. It's not nice i know.


anx mum
15-11-09, 21:43
dont normally suffer with headaches doc put me on new meds and they were better feel bad again now

15-11-09, 22:21
hi, anx mum.

I think that if it were something more worrying they wouldn't go away and then come back.
I know that I get more headaches when I concentrate and am worrying a lot, maybe something set them off and the more you can relax the more they may soothe away?

Hope you feel better asap

15-11-09, 22:57
Hi Anx Mum,

I am sorry you are in pain. I have had migraines for over 30 years and have had multiple tests and scans by Neurologists throughout the decades. They have never found anything wrong. I have myself found a pattern. Certain foods, hormonal changes and weather patterns (oncoming rain, cold snaps, etc.) can trigger mine and of course stress. I also must add that certain meds would cause mine too.

I find that laying in a cool very dark room helps me when I get sick with a headache/migraine. Sometimes if your shoulders are tight a hot bath helps too.

Hoping you feel better soon.

Best wishes,
