View Full Version : Hi

15-11-09, 22:01

I'm not sure how this works but will give it a go...

I am 29, male living in london. I have a good job, great friends, and in a happy relationship.

I do however feel that I am going crazy. I can get heart pulpetations for weeks on end for no reason at all, when I feel this way my brain is like it is on overdrive. Every possible bad thought enters my mind, one thought could turn into onther and it is allways a negative feeling. Worst of all I cant explain this to anyone, everyone allways say they feel anxious at times too - but all the time, for no reason?

I finally went to a doctor a few month ago and tried to explain what it is I am feeling. I did not feel that he understood, and gave me the links to a CBT website and said to do that and see how it goes... its has not helped.

My cracking point now is that this is affecting my relaionship. I have been with my partner for almost a year now, but when I on my way to meet him recently I feel nervous. I have convinced myself that he does not care for me and is cheating and there is no reason for this. I read something in every email I receive which is negative and I am sure it is not intended. I want to end it because I fell this is making my anxiety unbearbale.

Well that is my issue... Just thought maybe someone feels the same. And maybe some advice on how to get help.

15-11-09, 22:02
Hi bwayneh

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-11-09, 00:00

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you feel and will give their support. Perhaps you need to go see another doctor and discuss other options of treatment. There is medication, psychotherapy, and actual CBT. You also might try actually talking to your partner about your anxiety and how it makes you feel insecure rather than breaking up. I hope you feel better soon and glad you found us.

Take care,
