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Terry 82
16-11-09, 00:18
im new to this site and have just accepted that my symptoms are related to anxiety, it was pretty hard to believe that me, someone who has always been outgoing, confident relaxed and happy a bloke who enjoys life, reduced to being controlled by this fear of havin some terrible illness, all sorts have been through my mind, cancer, brain tumour, parkinsons, ms, motor neuron disease. The list is endless! Had and still having symptoms of vertigo. Headaches, tense neck, muscle spasms, cramp, watery eyes, pins and needles in hand and foot on left side, feeling stoned permanently! This has been going on for 4 months, and its really getting me down. Ive been for a mri scan which was normal, had blood work down again normal. Seen a ent specialist. All results normal. My doc has refered me to a cognitive behavioural therapist which im hoping will help me out of this nightmare, which im also suffering with. I have just started taking st joins wortwort, not keen on taking medicines but at least its natural and if it works im all for it! Just wanna be back to my old self, im only 26 and everday is a battle with myself.i cant seem to look past the next hour, also had a few attacks which i try to control with slow deep breathing. Any suggestions on breaking out of this vicious circle? All i seem to think about is how im feelin and what my body is doing, constantly rubbin my head and rubbing my neck, this has got to stop. Cheers for reading this, Terry

16-11-09, 00:21
Hi Terry 82

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-11-09, 03:56
im new to this site and have just accepted that my symptoms are related to anxiety, it was pretty hard to believe that me, someone who has always been outgoing, confident relaxed and happy a bloke who enjoys life, reduced to being controlled by this fear of havin some terrible illness,

I totally identify with that, naturally I'm very chatty and happy, but i have anxiety issues and bad depression. Hard to get your heard round it hehe.
rach x

16-11-09, 13:00
Hi Terry,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you feel and will give their support.
CBT has helped many on here and I can relate to the shoulders hurting. Hope you feel better soon and glad you found us.

Take care,
