View Full Version : Panick attacks

Lou 1
16-11-09, 04:20
Hi, im new to this site and am so far impressed with all of the info and advice i have found.

I'm 23 and I have been suffering with panick attacks for nearly a year now (although i still convince myself that i have some horrible disease)
Im normally happy, bubbly and confident but since these panick attacks im like a different person.

Panick attacks really do ruin my life, I just feel like im constantly worrying and anxious.
i do really silly things like take my temperature and count my heart rate all the time just to make sure they're "normal"
It affects my sleep too, sometimes im so anxious and have really negative thoughts (im not suicidal, i mean negative as in theres something wrong with me) that i just cant relax to go to sleep or im scared to go to sleep.
My partner and I had our first holiday this year but that was ruined by my panick attacks.
I was fine during the day, but on one of our first nights in the hotel restaurant i started to feel really light headed (like id been drinking) and then i became really panicky and felt like i needed to get out of the room and so went back to my hotel room and spent the rest of the night thinking i was going to pass out.
This then triggered me to worry about going out on an evening incase i started feeling dizzy, then because i was constantly worrying and thinking about it, i found this would bring on another panick attack!
I started to feel better once we were back in the uk - but sometimes when im in a lecture at uni i will all of a sudden become really aware of my heartbeat and start to feel lightheaded and panick, it gets that bad that i have to walk out.
I find that my physical symptoms can differ on each panick attack (not sure if thats normal so this causes worry)
my symptoms are, short of breath, feel sick, diarreah, the right side of my face (under my eye, along my jaw and near my mouth) feels like its gone to sleep, shaking, diziness, lightheaded, feel like im going mad and feel like i've lost control over myself plus a lot more stuff too.
Sometimes i get all of these symptoms where as others i just get two or three.

I worry so much about my health and convince myself i have a horrible illness.
Before i'd ever had a panick attack, i used to think it was just feeling short of breath and a little worried - i never realised how badly they can affect your life.

My gp has referred me for cbt so hopefully i will be starting that soon (i've heard its very good)

Thanks for reading

Claire Lou x

16-11-09, 04:33
Hi Lou 1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-11-09, 05:26
hey can u feel your heart beating whenu lay down o just sitting up?

Lou 1
16-11-09, 09:50
Hey it just seems to be all of the time but the sensation only lasts for a few minutes

16-11-09, 11:26
lou your lucky my attacks are constant infact my wife says i`m worrying myself to death ? quite possibly i am try getting all the help you can before they get too severe , i wish i had realised sooner what was going on and wish i had a doctor who understood how i feel , but unless they have been there it seems they think it`s not serious , well when you get to the stage where your too scared to sit in bath or just go up the garden on your own then it is serious , i don`t want to scare anyone but feel things need to be said get help asap don`t be fobbed off like i have been

good luck to all sufferers

16-11-09, 11:53

I have had CBT and it was a great help
hope it does the same for you x

16-11-09, 13:01
Hi Claire Lou,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you feel and will give their support.

Take care,
