View Full Version : help,

16-11-09, 10:40
i went into chat to talk to someone but no o ne was there, i ve got a stinking cold, and im full of anxiety and dont like it,, i feel sick and scared im going to stop breathing or i got swine flu, ive got a 1 year old full of it to, and my 12 yr old is off school with it, i feel really scared some support pls x

16-11-09, 13:24
Hi Lucy,

I'm sorry you and your family are so ill. Our anxiety always gets worse when we are sick. You are not going to stop breathing and if you think you indeed have the swine flu go get tested at your doctor's office. You will get through this and you need to rest when your baby is resting. If you can get help try to get some because I'm sure you need the additional support right now. There is nothing worse than being sick yourself and trying to take care of a sick family. Hang in there and I do hope everyone feels better soon.

Take care,


16-11-09, 15:22
thanx laura, i just needed some kind words, the anxiety gone now , but now worring i wake up tomoz like it again,


16-11-09, 15:41
I'm sorry you're not feeling well right now. I hope you and your family recover soon. I have it too...started out of the blue- sitting on the couch just started sneezing like crazy..so now my nose is running/but stuffed a bit of a sore throat, headache and exhausted!! Day 1 for me..here's to a quick recovery!!:hugs:

16-11-09, 15:43
hope you all feel better soon ,,, have you tried lemsip there very good