View Full Version : Noticeably shaking hands / legs

16-11-09, 12:19

This is my second time through the mill with anxiety, and this time my symptoms are very different. The worst one is the perceived sense of being off balance, finding it hard to walk, jelly legs, weakness in arms and legs. The physical symptoms this time have been much much scarier than last time (back in 2005).

Driving home from work on Friday, with my right leg over the accelerator I noticed when I was holding it that position it has quite a noticeable shake. This scared me as its the first time I've had a shake that doesn't just go away after I move position. It stayed doing the same thing and even when I got into my flat my legs were shaking quite badly.

Over the weekend I've noticed several bodily shakes emerging, the most disturbing really is my hands. If I hold my hands still at a right angle, they are definitely and clearly shaking - the fingers are vibrating noticeably. If I hold my feet in a tensed position I also find they have a tremor. I also feel the weird "internal shake/tremor" all over my body that I've read a few people get. Yesterday someone I met actually commented on my shaking right hand as I was reaching out to pick something up, asking if I'd been drinking the night before.

I really really am trying not to freak as I know I've been through the anxiety mill before, but these are very noticeable symptoms that have developed over the weekend and are something that aren't going away it seems.

I'm on 10mg of Citalopram, which I had a bad reaction to for the first week but has calmed down, but I'm still not sleeping well and I still feel pretty bad. Had been planning to up to 20mg this week, but I'm avoiding doing so because of some of the side effects that I had last time on these meds, and how they affect certain parts of your life.

Just wondering if the shakes/tremors are something that others have had or are able to comment on? Obviously the sensible thing would be to visit the doc and see if they can rule out anything nasty, but I KNOW I have anxiety so don't want to get worked up over a new physical symptom that may well pass as many of them do.

Thanks all for any thoughts you may have.

17-11-09, 09:51
Oh dear... No replies must mean no-one else has had this. REALLY freaking out now. Guess I'd better get myself to the doctors asap.

mum to three
17-11-09, 10:51
Hi Gareth

Welcome to my world lol. I have the shakes/tremors, i found these really intense in the first 4/5 wks of 20mg citalopram and its only now after 10/11 wks that they have started to calm down. I used to feel like my whole body from head to toe was tremoring and shaking which was quite scary at first. I told my gp and he confirmed that it was the meds that was playing a huge part although anxiety itself can cause shakes/tremors. I can honestly say though that they are hardly noticeable now and eating and drinking regularly has really helped. Good luck & take care as it will pass. x

17-11-09, 19:31
I've been anxious for about 5 years but I've only noticed this happening to me recently too, particularly if I'm tired. Maybe it's because we've learnt to supress the initial anxiety symptoms and so it starts to manifest itself in other ways? Rest and relaxation seem to be the cure. My doctor wasn't overly concerned about it when I saw him, he just suggested upping the dosage of my antidepressant.

17-11-09, 20:14
My doctor wasn't concerned about my shakes, i've only suffered with anxiety for 4 months or so but i started to have trembling hands and shakey legs from near the start and i've still got shakey hands but it has calmed down alot.

Desprate Dan
18-11-09, 05:09
Hi Gareth, I too had tremors and shakes with my Anxiety and was also on Citalopram 40mg but also got prescribed 80 mg Propanolol which i must say is a god send no more shakes and feel more relaxed in myself..


18-11-09, 06:51
The propanolol is awesome for the shakes. I have essential tremors, which run in my family. Most of my relatives can not even pick up a drink but have to use straws. It gets worse as we age. My legs are twitchy too and it use to scare me. I have very brisk reflexes so if someone even lightly hits them my leg jumps. I hate it but after seeing a neurologist he assured me that it is 100% anxiety and the "way we are wired"

18-11-09, 06:57
Morning Gareth

oh yes the trembling, I was too becoming very upset about it, like you mine were visible but this was happening to me prior to my taking meds, citalopram.

They are gradually getting better though I do still have moments. I was very conscious of it happening and like you I felt that sometimes my legs were not even strong enough to hold me. My head would also twitch and my hands were almost uncontrollable, I'd hold them all the time in order to hide it and had to use 2 hands on occasion if I wanted a drink... how embarrassing.

It is all part of anxiety but please stick with the meds remember that when you first start the meds it can take up to 8 weeks to kick in and they do heighten the anxiety for a good while, so don't be too worried. :hugs:

10-07-11, 17:06
Hi all,

Just noticed this thread as I'm new to the website - Gareth I sympathise.

I have had exactly the same symptoms for the past few weeks although I'm not any any medication and my tremor was in my left leg, I notice it on the clutch and when I'm standing still.

I have had health anxiety and general anxiety since my teens (I'm 31 now) and finally had CBT for it four years ago. It's upsetting because I thought I had cracked it back then!

My question is this. I know what it is like to live in a constant state of anxiety exmaining my body and symptoms (and everyone else's for that matter :-() But how do you get to that stage where you can tell the difference between a 'real' symptom of something serious and anxiety? Do you ever?

If anyone else has any ideas please share them? Does anyone have anything that works for them? I long for the day when I can stop over-analysing and thinking that everything has to be an incurable condition...

Little x

19-11-15, 09:08
I only found this wonderful site today looking for advice on shakey legs and arms . And I was in such a panic I almost went to the hospital . Im so thankful to know I'm not alone . It was the first time I've ever experienced it and now know its also from my anxiety . Thank you all for sharing your experiences . Even though it was quiet some time ago ��

19-11-15, 09:54
ive never had anxiety like this before and the shaking really shocked me and although im calming down a bit now i still have the shaking a bit.

05-05-17, 19:39
I'm also suffering from trembling through what I hope is jusy anxiety, mine only seems to be my left hand and it quivers when I hold it out in front of me and am finding it more difficult to practice precise tasks with my arm visibly tremoring slightly and feeling weak. I take no medication and feel like the tremoring has got worse a little. Although I know I'm crippled with health anxiety, this symptom still continues when I feel reasonably relaxed, which makes me anxious that it could be more. I can see this thread is quite old and would love if anyone could give me advice or experience of if this stopped?

30-01-18, 07:53
I have also found this post a god send. I’m sorry you are all feeling this way but it definitely helps to know others are in the same position. At the moment my shakes are horrendous & very noticeable which in itself just increases my anxiety more. It effects everything I do & I hate it however I know the only way to ease it is to accept it, this obviously is easier said than done. Does anybody have any strategies for this????? Grateful of any help at all. Take care everyone I’m sure better days are just around the corner. Xx

30-01-18, 16:33
My husband has the shakes, He cannot carry a cup of tea without the help of a tray.
His Mum had this also. He is sitting here watching tv. No shakes.
Just depends what he is doing. Carrying shopping is when it happens the most.

01-02-18, 11:50
I've noticed for the past month or two that it seems like my hands/fingers are constantly shaking - even just slightly - and I've also been perceiving myself as off-balance, with weak (and easily ache-y) arms and legs. I DO shake when I have a panic attack, but seeming to shake constantly... Ahaha, it's a bit horrible when you have HA. .w.

I swear my shakiness gets worse when I drink coffee too, though I swear I've never been affected by caffeine in the past... Like, I feel like I'm vibrating or something.

I try and force myself to understand that it's probably just anxiety, or maybe something to do with iron-deficiency, but because these're such new symptoms to me - and because I think I have other symptoms that I just convince myself are all involved with one another - I worry that it's a neurological issue or something. I've gotten a BIT more used to it now, but I still don't like it. =w=

I still write/type/etc. just fine, and I haven't dropped anything yet, but I always feel like I will, it's so silly. =w=