View Full Version : What can I do to stop the dizziness????

11-11-05, 16:31
Hi it's Nicki
Thanks to everyone who replied last time.
I've had a strange week, I have had the bad dizziness most the week, and managed to stop having a full blown panic attack, but I want to know if there is any medication (herbal, if poss) that I can take. I seem to worry myself sick when I have the "weird" head, and I worry in case it will bring on the panic---it's just awful. Can St Johns Wort help?
I don't even feel I am worrying when all of a sudden my head goes dizzy, wuzzy, weird (you know what I mean, it's hard to explain how it feels).
I'm scarred I will get as bad as I was last time (8 years ago) and I won't be able to go to work (which is part of the problem - I'm not really happy there), I'm trying to get into the police (PCSO). I want to become a member of the police that bad that I'm worried in case I don't get in and I will have to stay in a job that, quite frankly I can't stand!
Please help.
(I'm nipping off for a while - I'm having my legs waxed - ohhhh)
Nicki xxxx [:X]

11-11-05, 16:58
HI nikki...
from someone whos taken many of the herbal remedies i can promote st john wort. it did help me actually but youll need to keep taking them for a while. youll also need to check with your doc' to see if your ok to take them cos there are a few conditions...ie not on anit depressents or pregnant.
also try "kalms"...theyre herbal...available from boots etc
also...try "bach's rescue rememdy"...a few drops of this on your tongue and itll eventually will chill you out...
pm me if you want...theres others!
stay cool...youll get there!

12-11-05, 00:30
Hi Nicki,
I took rescue remedy (loads of it!) and it seemed to help. I think that distracting yourself has a lot to do with getting rid of the dizzyness. it sounds really sad, but i used to crochet and it used to relieve the dizzyness a bit.
But actually, the only thing that cured me really was quitting my job (which i hated). After that, my panc seemed to vanish into thin air...
I've only just started reading Claire Weekes's book "Self Help for your Nerves" - i wish i'd read it a year ago, it's brilliant.
Take care,
Henri x

12-11-05, 09:08
Thanks for the replies. I think I might try the St Johns Wort.
If there is any one else who has used it, please let me know.
Thanks again

12-11-05, 13:46
Hi Nicki, I too get the dizziness alot but take nothing for it at the

moment. I hope that you find something to settle it down a bit.

Good luck with getting into PCSO.:D

Take Care



12-11-05, 15:39
Rescue remedy and SJW, I'm missing my RR atm : (


12-11-05, 15:55
Hi Nicki
I can fully connect with you on feeling dizzy. Of all the anxieyt symptoms this is the one that i cannnot handle. Maybe that is why it persists because i cannot let it go. Do you get headaches or neck tension as well or is it just the dizziness? I have had this for over 8 years and you would think i would cope better with it but it is always on my mind what if i get dizzy. The thing i have learned the most is to try and say "SO WHAT" its only a sensation and its not going to harm me. I seem to get worse when i am walking about - could be connected to over breathing - not sure. I take bach rescue remedy and sip water and try to ground myself and tell myself "I am safe and well". It ususally does pass as long as i dont add to the fear.
Take care

12-11-05, 17:24
Do your very hardest to forget about it and go about your business and it will pass (presume you have had your ears checked - the nurse at the surgery could even do this).

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-11-05, 21:10
Correct breathing will help and I know this may sound strange but exercise will help too.
