View Full Version : Shooting pain down right hand side of head

16-11-09, 16:31
Hi everyone am after a bit of help. Over the last 6 weeks I keep getting a really bad shooting pain down the right side of my head. I only get it once maybe twice if I am unlucky a day where it is really bad that I have to close my eyes till it goes. When its like this it seems to last anywhere from 10 seconds to 30. Other times I get a dull ache but not the shooting pain. The pain seems to shoot from the back of my head above my ear and to my temple.
I am very parranoid that this is a tumor and wandered if anyone else has had similar symptoms like this before?

16-11-09, 17:08
Sounds to me like either a trapped nerve in your neck (nothing to worry about although can be painful and common with stress/anxiety).. my neck is a nightmare.

The other thing it could possibly be is a nerve shooting from a tooth.. possibly wisdom tooth??

Either way the way you describe it definately sounds like a nerve.. hopefully will settle down in time but if it keeps hurting get your doctor to take a look.. he may recommend physiotherapy to try to release it if it is a nerve.

Mand x

16-11-09, 17:40
thanks mand! You could be right as we have just moved house and got a new furnished place. The sofa is a nightmare and is really effecting my posture and tbh I thought my neck may be something to do with it! Thanks!

16-11-09, 17:53
Your welcome.. hope it improves soon (oh one tip with trapped nerves in necks.. dont think cos it hurts you should rest it.. the more you move about the more likely it will release)... you are probably gonna find it worst first thing in the morning when you first get up if its a trapped nerve in neck as you've been laying down for so long

take care
mand x