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16-11-09, 19:49
can anyone enlighten me ive been taking citalopram for about 3 weeks and if any thing i feel worse dont feel normal just a constant feeling of dread like something bad is gonna happen any advice well appreciated

16-11-09, 20:03
Im not on Citalopram, but another AD and I felt worse for the first 6weeks, it can take anywhere from 2-6weeks before you get past the side effects n get the benifits. Please try and stick with it. After 6 weeks I started to feel better and all the side effects went. I now feel fine and my Gp is looking to take me of the ADs.

16-11-09, 20:29
Hello, I've been on Citalopram for 9 weeks now, and it's only recently that I've started to feel some improvement. Try and stick with it, 3 weeks is still to early to make any decisions. It will pass, just have to give it some more time.

Good luck! :)

16-11-09, 20:43
Hi Gazza

I've been on SSRI's a few times and would be surprised if you felt any different at this stage. Stick with the meds, they tend to work very gradually, daily improvments can be so tiny that they're inperceptible. You really are in the early days.

You will feel better soon

16-11-09, 20:48
Hi Gazza

I'm on Citalopram and like Masa it does take a while for the side effects to wear away and for benefits to kick in. Starting does cause heightened depression and anxiety... and yeah I agree, ridiculous really but once they kick in you will feel the benefits mine only really kicked in after 6 weeks and still not there completely but I've been told to give it another 2 weeks for full effects. The anxiety takes a little longer but definitely not feeling depressed.

Its hard but please stick with it..what dosage are you on? If you really feel you are not getting better it may be to do with the dosage so speak to the doctor...all the best :)

16-11-09, 21:21
I've been on Citalopram for 100 weeks today and it's been a rollercoaster, that's for sure!
The first 3 weeks were pretty bad and it was hard to see any good in the situation.
However, I can now look back and see small victories in each week since.:yesyes:

Keep telling yourslef this is the worst it will be, it's the meds, and no harm will come to you.

Stay strong - you've done the hardest part.:hugs:

16-11-09, 21:46
i agree with chickpea
the worst part [ie starting and sticking with the meds] is over....had exactly the same feelings as yourself gazza, and it is hard to see what good will come from the initial few weeks.
for me personally it took longer to see any positive signs [wk 8 at least], and even though i am starting my 12th wk on Cit. [currently 30mg], i still feel 'disengaged' at times and also have suffered 'blips'....i must say anyone who has replied to my concerns on this site has totally made me feel like i'm not alone - thankfully!!!

16-11-09, 23:17
Hi, the feeling of dread is a side effect that might go away or reduce over time. If you are still experiencing it in a month, talk to your doctor.

You might want to look into inositol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=64229) which helps tremendously with feelings of fear and anxiety.

22-11-09, 10:44
thanks 2 u all has really helped