View Full Version : Hi - Do beta blockers work

Lou 1
16-11-09, 23:16
My doc prescribed me with Half beta prograne 80mg, i havent yet started taking these but feel i really ought to.

Is anyone else on these, do they work and do they have any bad side affects.

Would really appreciate any advice...

16-11-09, 23:34
Never worked for me (gave me really low BP) but there are a lot of people on the forum who take them and it's supposed to be very good for physical symptoms of anxiety, panic etc. Give them a go - you won't know how they affect you till you take them!

17-11-09, 00:12
i was prescribed em last moth but they made me feel bad! i was told to take 40mg 3 times a day , i couldent do it , so i just took half a tab a day , 20mg, im seeing the doc thursday

17-11-09, 00:25
they help with the physical symptoms such as palpitations and overbreathing but they dont relax your sympathetic nervous suystem i dotn think, I didnt find them useful personally but my doctor assures me hes successfully used them to treat anxiety plenty of times.

17-11-09, 08:39
doc put me on them and i was allergic!!!

17-11-09, 08:42
i have used them 3 years there ok stop the adrenaline ruse that causes PANIC

17-11-09, 08:42
Hi, I was on these for about a week before my GP prescribed Citalopram. They didn't work for me, but like everyone else already said you will not know until you try.

I didn't have any side effects if that helps.