View Full Version : Freaking OUT..Uncontrollable Sleep ?HELP?

17-11-09, 02:02
Yesterday I woke as usual around 9am and got up and had breakfast. I watched television for a few hours and it was very cold outside and had been most of the night.

When I got up after lunch I laid down on the bed while my wife was working on the computer and snuggled under the blanket. I had a small heater on me that normally would make me so hot I would smother. I fell asleep and woke
and got up and went to the bathroom and then fell asleep again and then
woke again and got a drink of water from my night stand then fell asleep again.

The next time I woke I ate dinner and then after dinner went back to sleep and it was around 830 pm and slept until time to go to sleep which was about 1030pm. I slept all night until about 1130 am this morning. So far today , I haven't felt well but felt very cold most of the day although
the heater in the house has been on.

I didn't go to sleep all day but felt a few times I wanted to . Could this be some type of sickness or is it just the cold weather that has got me tired and making me sleepy?????????? Im really worried ,because im not the kind of person that lays down and takes naps in the afternoon. Also lately I have found that I am getting sleepy and yawning about 9pm everynight and if I close my eyes I will drop off to sleep.

This is very unusual behavior for me..I just don't do this. In the past I have gotten up around 12 noon and then stay up until about 2 or 3 am and repeat..so what has got into me lately ? Could I have heart trouble or some other condition? Last time I went to the doctor she gave me a clean bill of health .. heart wise..and even gave me an ekg that she said was for my own benefit emotionally and it was very good .. So could anybody give me an idea of what is happening or could it just be the cold weather making me tired.. Please help?

17-11-09, 03:35
Firstly what sort of meds are you on if any if you don't mind my asking and how long?. A psychiatric nurse I was consulting with was tellnig me about one of his patients who slept constantly during the beginning of her treatment waking only to do necassary things like go the loo or eat a slice of toast. If you're on mirtazipine I'm not surprised as i took it for a while and man, could I sleep on that stuff.

If your EKG has come back clean and the doc says you're fine I wouldnt worry matey, I've been having troubles of quite the opposite way round(unable to sleep easily). though I can see how it cn gett to be a problem when it starts getting in the way of day to day life.

hope this helps, and don't worry.


17-11-09, 11:13
If you didn't feel very well, you might have had a bug or a virus, either of which will drain your energy and make you want to sleep.

It could also be a "blip", a temporary worsening of your anxiety/depression, cos when I am experiencing a blip I find myself wanting to sleep more. It's a natural and easy way to escape the symptoms of your illness. Blips don't usually last too long.

Either way, worrying about it is only going to make you feel worse!

20-11-09, 06:23
I think we had a little stomach virus and well it could be that I was making up for a few days that sleep was disturbed and dreams too vivid.. I have been on a heavier dose of beta blocker which im stopping now and have gone back to the lower dose with a promise to monitor my blood pressure . Since I have been taking the new higher dose I take it early in the morning and go back to sleep and its like stepping into an alternate reality .. Its bizarre. I hope the lower dose will put me back to sleeping in a more relaxed state. Thanks for your comments and thoughts , I appreciate it so very much..!!!!