View Full Version : Shaky hands

17-11-09, 10:25
Hi there,

Has anyone experienced shaky hands as a side effect of Citalopram?

I've been on 10mg for just over 2 weeks, and have just started to notice my hands are shaking, not when they are at rest, but when I ask them to do something, or hold them in a position for any period of time.

Find this symptom a bit scary - and wondering how it can just come on like this after being on the drugs for over two weeks.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this.


17-11-09, 11:02
Yep, I used to tremble quite badly in the early days, though some of this was undoubtedly due to anxiety and not just the meds. It wore off after about 4-6 weeks. My hands always tremble a little bit when I hold them out flat though -- always have.

17-11-09, 21:02
Yeah, i have experienced shakey hands since i have started with citalopram although as poet has said i do think that some of it is down to anxiety. I am on 20mg's and 9weeks in and still find that my hands are shakey, dont think its anything to be worried about, unless you are thinking of becoming a surgeon :)
