View Full Version : new, advice needed

17-11-09, 11:44

I've just returned from a trip to the doctors with a presciption slip for Escitalopram & Zopiclone and naturally have never heard of these medicines before so have looked them up and found this site.

I initially went to the doctors cause of a chest infection but mentioned about panic attacks and depression in passing and after further discussions he has advised me to take these and see how i go.

To explain during my teenage years i abused a lot, starting with a cannabis addiction that has left me very paranoid about most things. I have completely stopped taking all drugs, it has only been 3 months now but i have no desire to ever take anything again after i have come to realise the effects it has had on me, which i fear will be permanent.

Over the last year i have entered into a long term relationship with my girlfriend who also suffers from depression and panic attacks also due to drug abuse. I have always told her that she shouldn't take her anti depressants and that she would be better without them as i never thought that chemicals were never the answer to fix a problem.

Now last night her drink was spiked and after telling me this while i was at work i completely broke down with panic attacks, anxiety and tearfulness. This not being the first time i have had felt like this but one of the most extreme.

After reading things such as "going cold turkey" and "getting off Escitalopram" i am concerned about starting this course of medication. I do have an addictive personality and really don't want to form a chemical dependency even in the form of a medicine.

I would really appreciate some advice from people who have been in a similar situation.

Is this course of medication only short term? as in if i take them for a month and then come off them will my panic attacks have improved or do they only help while on them?

Is it possible to only take them when feeling patricularly down/panicy or when i know i may be in a situation where there is the possibility i will be panicy. Most of the time i feel panicy, paranoid or depressed is when i'm not with my girlfriend as we don't live together, most of the time i'm fine when i'm with her or know that she is at my house, i hate to make this sound like a control issue, it is just there have been many situations that have happened when she is on her own or goes out on her own and this really worries me. To cut a story short if i took them when i knew i would be feeling like this would they help me? would my body feel the side effects of not taking them if i took them sporadicaly?

Do these actually really help and are they worth getting into the cycle of a chemical dependancy?

Any help is really appreciated as i really am on the fence of whether i need this or is advisable to take these.



17-11-09, 11:46
Hi gooner

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-11-09, 15:34
Hi Gooner,

Welcome to NMP. No-one can advise you as to whether you should take the medication or not as it is your call. I will say if you start the meds you should take them as prescribed which I imagine is every day. I have not been on this particular med so I do not know how difficult they are to go on or off. Most anti-depressants take at least 3 weeks to fully kick in. Some people stay on them short term and do counseling with their meds and others stay on their meds longer, it just depends on their situation.

Drinking alcohol when depressed, on meds or not, is never a good idea as it is a depressant. I do not know whether or not your girlfriend's drink was alcoholic but she should know that and I'm glad she is okay.

It is unique that you have someone that understands what you are feeling and that the two of you can support each other. Perhaps you just need counseling to understand what goes on when she isn't around and why you then panic and get depressed? The only thing I would also suggest is if you do go on the anti-depressant meds never go off them cold turkey. That is a huge mistake many make and why they have the horrible symptoms that you might have read. If you are weaned off with the help of a doctor it can be much different. Glad you found us.

Take care,


18-11-09, 06:41
Just wanted to welcome you to the forum and hope that it will be able to help you in some way.