View Full Version : Raynauds & Morphea (Scleroderma?)

17-11-09, 14:09

Has anyone here been diagnosed with Raynauds and/or Scleroderma?

I have the symptoms of Raynauds (hands go white and numb in the cold then burn and turn red and tingly on reheating) along with small skin discolourations on my back and torso reminiscent of morphea ( a symptom of localised an/or systemic scleroderma).

I have been to my GP who has referred me to a neurologist (because of the tinlging/numbness) but I'm worried that Raynauds and Scleroderma fall within the knowledge range of a rheumatologist and feel that I'm not being treated for the right thing. I just don't know what to do :weep:

Can anyone advise?


17-11-09, 14:49
the neurologist should refer you if he is concerned, i would ask him and ask your doctors about your concerns tho.

17-11-09, 14:55
I am fairly sure my 2 year old has raynauds although undiagnosed. His hands are sometimes like ice and then go very red. He tends to be almost extra warm in other places though like back of his neck and head. I mentioned it to the health visitor when he was tiny and she seemed unconcerned.


17-11-09, 16:31
Thanks for the replies.

It seems that doctors will olny entertain one path of enquiry at once.

18-11-09, 07:21
my dad has raynauds and scleroderma, he is 82 and had it for as long as i can remember it doesnt really trouble him to much he has never mentioned tingling with it either just he has poor circulation apart from that no probs thinking about it he must of had it 30 years now its not so bad if it was that but im sure it isnt let us know

18-11-09, 10:22
it's the burning in my hands, feet and ear lobes that gets me

03-12-09, 06:10
I was diagnosed with Linear Morphea (a mild form of Scleroderma). I had a light shiny patch of tough skin come out of nowhere on my chest, naturally I thought it was breast cancer. I went to my PCP who directed me to a dermatologist. He did a biopsy and found I have Morphea. I was on prednisone for a few weeks and it stopped spreading and actually slightly reversed. This was over 4 years ago, yet I still have a small patch of skin that never went back to normal. I've had no problems and it hasn't come back. I wouldn't worry about the Morphea, however I unfortunately don't know much about Raynaud's. Hope this helps, I wish you well!