View Full Version : Is this Globus or allergy?

17-11-09, 17:26
I have mild health anxiety and I lose my voice easier than others do. About a month ago I felt it going early on at a reunion and within a couple days after it really burned when I talked and I couldn't really talk at full volume.

For the last month it hurts when I swallow, but there are a couple random angles where I can swallow with no pain. Its a bit better in the morning, but throughout the day, the more I talk the more it seems my vocal cords bother me and the less I want to.

I went to an ENT doctor and even got a full endoscopy and they said they couldn't see ANYTHING abnormal.

The tightness in the throat and the feeling of pain when I swallow seems to fit what others have described, but what about the burning vocal cord feeling?

17-11-09, 18:10
Hi there

I think your throat is fine in the morning because you have been sleeping and all the tension has left your body.

It probably gets worse during the day because you are thinking about it and expecting it to be there and of course when we do think about it, it re-appears.

It is a horrid thing and i hate it too. I find that warm drinks and sometimes mints help mines.

Best of luck

17-11-09, 19:06
Thanks Lisa :)

Does yours affect your voice or vocal cords though? I feel like thats a bit different from what others have experienced.

Cell block H fan
17-11-09, 19:41
Hi there

I think your throat is fine in the morning because you have been sleeping and all the tension has left your body.

It probably gets worse during the day because you are thinking about it and expecting it to be there and of course when we do think about it, it re-appears.

It is a horrid thing and i hate it too. I find that warm drinks and sometimes mints help mines.

Best of luck

^ exactly this. Have had a Globus before myself. Was always ok when I first woke.

17-11-09, 19:52
Yeah it does make you croaky because you are straining the muscles.
Rest assured though hun, it won't and can't do you any harm at all. It's nothing more that a bloomin horrible sensation.


17-11-09, 19:53
Well, its not OK when I first wake ... its still there, but is generally better than the evening.

I really want to know if anyone else who has experienced this has had the scratchy, burning feeling when they talk though?

Like its hard to talk at full volume without discomfort?