View Full Version : Pins and needles for a week ???

sarah jayne
17-11-09, 17:34
Hi ive had pins and needled down the left side of my body for almost a week and today ive also got them in my mouth and lips. Ive had them before but never for this long and ive never had them in my mouth. Its really annoying me. Surely if it was down to anxiety they wouldnt last this long ? Has anyone ever had this for so long ? I wasnt worried about it until today when i also got them inmy mouth.
Sarah x

18-11-09, 03:35
I have had them for at least that long before. I have found that they last the longest when I have something else going on like a mild cold but I have had them for that long all by themselves too. I have had my lips and tonque feel like pins and needles also. I am sure this is anxiety but if it will make you feel better go visit a doctor. Let us know how it turns out.

Good luck

sarah jayne
18-11-09, 08:48
Thanks for replying, now i know youve had it and your ok now makes me feel better. i dont want to go to the doctor because ive been so many times recently that i feel stupid. Its weird what having health anxiety can do to your body. I hope it goes soon.
Sarah x