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View Full Version : Newbie from NYC

17-11-09, 18:58
Hi, folks. Just wanted to introduce myself--first post and all that.

Live in NYC, super-stressful job, early 50s.

Struggled with massive, weekly migraines and depression most of my life. Kicked the depression (mostly) about 10 years back. But that's around when I started having pretty major panic attacks. Visit emergency ward usually once a year due to heart attack symptoms, but they never find anything.

This year has been pretty bad, though. Too many symptoms going on for me to really understand what to do. I pretty much have 24/7 pain all up and down left side of my torso--stomach through heart area right up to the shoulder. My own research suggests that I have Costochondritis or Tietze Syndrome, but can't find a doctor who will acknowledge or investigate this. I also have the "heart pounding" kind of palpitations; they're triggered by all sorts of things (physical activity, anxiety, excitement), but also by nothing whatsoever (I wake up with my heart pounding). Also sometimes get very painful muscle spasms in all different parts of where the ongoing chest pain is. Blood pressure and pulse are great, though: usually 110/70 with pulse of 70 or less, though sometimes higher during a bad period (worst was 130/90). Go figure.

Currently on Zoloft to help treat the panic and anxiety attacks. When they're really bad, I lose 10-35% cognitive ability. No longer able to go to the gym. And bedroom activities are completely on hold. :-(

I have a "pulmonary nodule" in the area when a lot of the pain comes from (between 2nd and 3rd ribs, about the size of un-popped popcorn kernal). It's been X-rayed and cat scanned, and I want to get more tests in another few months to make sure it's not cancer. My GP thinks it's nothing to worry about. (!)

I'm able to hold onto my job, but my GF is getting sick (!) of me being sick all the time. What's worst, though, is that I don't have a good, understanding, resourceful and smart primary care doctor. Not to mention that this constant pain in my upper left chest makes me always irritable and on edge. My friends and doctors (so far) all think it's psychological. But I'm not convinced that there's nothing physicaly wrong.

There are some great forums here, so I'm looking forward to posting and getting feedback from others. Thanks for reading this far!

17-11-09, 18:59
Hi random_pattern

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-11-09, 19:26

Welcome along to NMP!! :)

I am glad you found us and it's lovely to meet you.


18-11-09, 06:40
Welcome, you have come to the right place! So many have gone through and are going through similar things. I am sure you will find lots of info and some helpful answers and advice here.

18-11-09, 15:01
Hi Random Pattern,

Welcome to NMP. Just have to say I love NYC! I've only been there 3 times but had a great time. I also suffer from horrible migraines since my early twenties and know how debilitating they can be. I've only had two panic attacks but one sent me to the hospital via ambulance and I was in a doctor's office when it started. I agree with you that a good GP is critical in the upkeep in your care. You absolutely must trust them. I've also found that counseling helped me and went to a psychologist. It did not help with my physical pain but taught me some coping skills of how to deal with chronic pain that I will have forever. I do hope you get all the tests ran that you feel need to be done to rule out all possibilities and then you can deal with your anxiety and panic attacks. Glad you found us and many will understand how you have been feeling and will give you their support.

Take care,


18-11-09, 18:49
Hello and welcome to nmp, i am sure you will find lots of very useful information and advice on here and meet new friends along the way too. hugs xx

20-11-09, 16:04
Thanks for the kind replies, all. Yes, Southern_Belle, I think I need a new GP, one who is really behind me and willing to help.