View Full Version : Does this sound like General Anxiety?

17-11-09, 20:03
Hi, I'm new here and just wondered if anyone felt similar symptons to the below. I've been suffering anxiety for a couple of years or so. I do get slightly depressed (don't look forward to anything or enjoy my usual routine) but this is mainly to do with the anxiety in my opinion as I don't function very well when anxious.

I don't really get heart palputations just a general feeling of discomfort, as if a ton of adrenaline is pumping through the body, also my stomach goes weak and eating becomes a chore and struggle. Obviously I have the negative thoughts and obsessive worrying that accompany this. I don't have panic attacks, per se, I manage to keep them away most of the time thankfully. But the constant anxiety symptons do get me down.

I work which helps, and try for the most part to keep myself busy. I'm on 40mg of Fluxotine (was on 20mg for a year, then upped to 40mg for another year) which seems to not be helping at the moment (for the most part of taking it I found it helpful barr the odd blip). Also had 6 therapy classes through the NHS which helped a bit (could of been the medication though?) .

My big worry is that I won't ever eliminate anxiety/depression (think depression is a direct knock on from the anxiety). I'm tempted to change my medication dropping it slowly to 20mg then moving off totally as I've heard Fluxotine isn't the best for anxiety. But not sure a change in medication would work now as you read through the medication forum and there are very few success stories.

Anyway wondered if anyone could relate to this and re-assure me that this thing is beatable one way or another?


17-11-09, 20:14
Hello jeb, well I've been on citalopram 20mg for about 3 weeks now(almost) and feeling less anxious. I suffer from general anxiety, just hate getting up in the morning, knowing that the day is going to be the same as the one before and that the routine is boring and depressing because my anxiety is sucking all of the enjoyment out of my favourite hobbies.

I tried fluoxetine when I was 15, didn't work for me.

I don't have prroper panic attacks..instead I have a horrible feeling inside, like I can't relax, horrible stomach churning, headaches and such like, just feeling worried constantly but citalopram is working well. It works for the depression as well, which is caused by the anxiety.

Maybe you should talk to your doctor about the medication. You aren't on your own. Maybe therapy and the right medication can help you.

Tell me hw you get on.

Take care

17-11-09, 22:10
Sounds like we are both going through similar things then. I know totally what you mean about the enjoyment being sucked out of favourite things.

I'll keep you posted of how I get on. Hopefully everyone can work their way through the problems and come out the other end smiling.

I've got a GP appointment next Tuesday so will discuss options with him then.

Anyone else feel free to post if your going through or have gone through a similar thing.


Desprate Dan
18-11-09, 04:58
Hi Jeb,

I also have GAD and have been taking Citalopram first 10mg then upped to 20mg now on 40mg and also 80mg propanalol, only now i have felt more relaxed and less anxious, i lost all intrest in life, work, and my hobbies i was withdrawing myself from others i was frightened to were it might lead... I have always been anxious but never needed any medication in the past, i now think its the depression more than the anxiety.
The thing is i just dont know what or were i want to be in life. i look around me and everyone seems to have aim a purpose to live for, i just feel like i am treading water just dont know were i want to be its like i have no desire to be or do anything..


18-11-09, 20:32
Hi Jeb

I have GAD and OCD (Not the compulsion side of things just obsessive thoughts). Ive been on citalopram since February, Id say it started to really work about April time which is when I went back to work. I think its amazing stuff, I couldnt function properly before going on it, slowly week after week I was getting better and I didnt have that many symptoms left and my mind felt stronger again. Recently I havent been doing too great though been having dispersonalisation,Heart racing, no enjoyment in life et c all coming back again because Ive been coming off them as I am pregnant. Went back to doctors yesterday and got my dosage put back up slightly because I cant afford to feel like I did before because of the baby. I may just be lucky in that Citalopram works really well for me, but I think you should maybe talk to your doctor and think about changing the meds. :flowers:

19-11-09, 08:30
Hi Jeb,

I also have GAD and have been taking Citalopram first 10mg then upped to 20mg now on 40mg and also 80mg propanalol, only now i have felt more relaxed and less anxious, i lost all intrest in life, work, and my hobbies i was withdrawing myself from others i was frightened to were it might lead... I have always been anxious but never needed any medication in the past, i now think its the depression more than the anxiety.
The thing is i just dont know what or were i want to be in life. i look around me and everyone seems to have aim a purpose to live for, i just feel like i am treading water just dont know were i want to be its like i have no desire to be or do anything..


I feel the same way. It's like everyone's doing college or university or have families and things that fill their days but I'm just stuck without many friends because like you, I've been scared to stay friends with them. I know it's because I can't cope with the anxiety when I'm out with them and I dont know if they understand. I even get worried about using the phone.

I think we all need something to live for, some purpose in life. I got a dog( I know it's not really that life changing) but it does give you something to think about..looking after it and stuff- so I'm not always thinking about myself and symptoms.

I always feel like I need more, I see people living their lives like everything just fits like a puzzle for them whilst I'm still trying to find the right pieces.

I sympathize. :)

and strawberry...I was getting really bad depersonalization before going on citalopram...it's so scary isn't it. :/

19-11-09, 09:46
Hi Jeb,

Your symptoms and issues sound exactly like mine. For me prozac helped initially, but then anxiety re-appeared. I have since been on Seroxat and currently citalopram. They both worked very well for my anxiety, nut like all ADs ther is a point where you get tolerant on them. Thats when the proverbial hits the fan. Some of these meds are hell to get off, especially Seroxat.

At the moment my citalopram seem to have stopped working, which is now giving me a very hard time

By all means, get help from medication, but at the same time try and recognise the triggers that do cause your anxiety. There are many suppplements that help with all this ( Vit B & Magnesium esp.). Looks around the forums to get a good understanding of the natural therapies & supplements available.

I also find that Claire Weekes an absolute diamond.

Relaxation, exercise all help towards tour general metnal & emotional wellbeing