View Full Version : What to do?

17-11-09, 21:20
I'm having a wee bit of trouble here so I'm ignoring the inner voice that is telling me not to bother posting.
I've not had a bad week but have kind of got back into the "do I really need to go out" school of thinking, I don't want to face outdoors. I feel agitated, depressed (too much self-analysis) and most annoying of all, tearful. Lots of stuff is getting to me, really getting to me and I have got that "trapped" feeling but I don't know why.
In truth, I'm at a highly nervy level as I'm typing this because of the self-destructive thing..I feel like I don't fit in here, not really even though lots of people have helped me I feel like an outsider.
Basically, my head is buzzing with a ton and a half of negative thoughts but I know that if I take off from here (NMP), I will be sabotaging myself because of my mistrust of others. I know I can feel better with the support here..I have nowhere else to turn to.
I'm goimg to log out as it has taken me ages to build up the energy to write this, I'm going to make a coffee and come back.
Hopefully someone can reassure me. Please. Thank You x

17-11-09, 21:32
Aww ladybird,

Its horrible when things get on top of you and everything seems to be a struggle, i'm agoraphobic so getting myself out and about used to feel like an impossible task and too much to cope with.

But i found with so much support here and some positive thinking, i kind of broke the cycle, and i have every faith that you can get there too, you have done so well. And you must keep telling yourself that, focus on your achievements rather than the "what i can't do"

You would be greatly missed if you left here, after all, we are all here to help each other and to get each other out of the bad blips. And that is what this is.........A bad blip!

keep posting hun and we will give you all the support you need.

take care

di xx

17-11-09, 21:40
Aww LB you are not an outsider here and you have been of great support to me personally and I thank you for that.

Please stay with us and let us support you too.

17-11-09, 21:49
hi, not sure what i can say to make you feel better, but well done for building up the courage to post, its the start to getting better

17-11-09, 21:51
Hey LB :hugs:

Sometimes we need help other times we can offer it

Stick with us Hunny

We will see Ya thru

Kaz x x x:bighug1:

19-11-09, 13:18
Thank you. x

I'm still not in a good place, not helped by very little sleep for the past few days but it won't kill me.
I'm my own worst enemy a lot of the time, when I get these overpowering thought I act on them and am sure I would have not allowed myself to come back to NMP.."pull yourself together" syndrome.
I wasn't trying to get sympathy although looking back on my post it looks like "sympathise or I'll leave", I don't do the big dramatic departures...I just wouldn't have logged in again.
I appreciate your replies and the reassurance that I am a part of NMP and I don't have to cope alone when I feel so bad.


19-11-09, 14:21
Hiya, hun and i do understand exactly how u feel cos alot of the time i feel the same, i have to keep busy to stop me overthinking and feeling angry at the world and i have to push myself to do everything i do.

i know its so very hard and when u r feeling like u do, its so hard to think any diffeerent even when others try to help, but keep strong and keep fighting cos slowly but surely, things will get better for you darl. hugs xxx