View Full Version : Citalopram & problems at the dentist!

17-11-09, 21:34
I have been taking 20mg a day of Citalopram for 4 months with no problems and my depression and OCD has definitely been helped but I visited the dentist yesterday and had a most horrific experience :ohmy:

The local anaesthetic would not work properly and despite every effort by the dentist to numb the area for treatment I was unable to have a basic filling done. I have never experienced anything like this before in my life despite having taken various 'antidepressant' medication all my adult life. I have to return to the dentist in 2 weeks time to attempt the filling again and I'm petrified to be honest :weep:

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this. Is it as a result of the Citalopram or just a coincidence?

Any replies to this thread much appreciated :D

18-11-09, 07:20
Hey there i am under the dentist now been going there past 2 weeks for treatment need root canal in 2 teeth, first tooth the first injection did not work i had 4 in the end then i was back and forth the dentist 5 times after that still had infection after root canal but it finally got sorted went back on Mon drilled and filled with no injection. I go back on Thurs for start of next tooth. I dont take any meds but i have always had fear of dentist and my anxiety gets worse when i turn up to see him but he understands. I think you may be experience some anxiety of going back not 100% sure just my opion after what i have been through. Take Care hope all works out for you.

18-11-09, 09:59
I have the same problem with the dentist as I seem never to be numb enough for whatever they do. Like the above message I too have a general fear of dentists and don't know what to do as the thought of going to a dentist starts the anxiety. I will be following your post to see if others might have a remedy. Sometimes the anxiety is worst than the experience. But a root canal or major type work is never easy for me and I worry about this many days before the experience.